Buffer limit exceeded.

Apr 27, 2009 07:52

* Apparently, I have a buffer limit.
** Apparently, I have located my buffer limit.
*** If you've wondering why I've been so scarce lately, see above.

In other news, no, not dead, not insanely depressed* or wandering lost through the streets of San Francisco, not lost in a parallel dimension where the zombies have taken over and devoured each and every soul of the living, and not voluntarily wearing nylons. I'm just in the middle of a vast flurry of "things that must be done now now now," many of which are entirely mutually exclusive. Big fun!

(To give you an idea of how far behind I am, I'm still inking the strip that details the events of New Year's Eve. It's drawn, it's just not done...and yes, I realize that it's verging on the merry month of May. All the things that require my exclusive attention have been dog-piling one another, and the results are definitely not pretty.)

So, various statuses:

IRON POET. I'm currently doing word-groups from somewhere roughly halfway through the round, and will continue to slog slog slog through them as quickly as circumstances allow. This may wind up the last round, just for reasons of time. I may also decide that it's essential to my sanity, and start adding a disclaimer that says you'll get your poem when you damn well get your poem. I'm really not sure yet.

ART CARDS. I'm still trucking through the most recent batch of art card commissions. If I've replied to your statement of interest with a question, please, please, get back to me; I can't either take you off the list or start working on your card until we've discussed it, and having things languish on my to-do list drives me faintly batty. You don't want to drive me batty. I have Sharpies. I can do some damage.

NEW KITTEN. Alice is puffy, pretty, awesome, and MASSIVE. She's expanding at an exponential rate, and may soon start devouring cities and towns as she rampages across the nation seeking properly-sized catnip mice. Lilly seems genuinely pleased with this situation, since Alice is both young enough to be playful and large enough to play with properly. Also, Alice doesn't fight Lilly for ownership of my lap, being more than happy to curl up by my feet. Everybody say "awwwww."

CONVENTIONS. I'm putting together my set list for DucKon; I have my membership for WorldCon in Montreal; I have my professional admission for the San Diego Comic Convention; I have my memberships for both World Fantasy this year and next year's Melbourne WorldCon, aka, "Seanan finally goes to Australia." I feel very organized, and a little overwhelmed.

VELVETEEN. "Velveteen vs. Patrol" is currently in-process; it will be followed by "Velveteen vs. Blacklight vs. Sin-dee." There are at least four more stories planned after that, and as I told Kate this weekend, I do know where the end game is.

SWINE FLU. I didn't do it!

That's me. What's you?

(*In the past, LJ radio silence has often meant intense depression on my part. It doesn't this time, largely because I'm too damn tired to be depressed.)

lilly, art, alice, writing, medical stuff, stress, life rocks, con prep

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