I need a cigarette.

May 31, 2008 16:37

Having just watched this week's episode of Doctor Who (through the magic of the Internet, which is really my very best of all bestest friends sometimes), I have this to say:

I need a cigarette. And I don't smoke. Also, it should be Saturday now. Also, the election of Stephen Moffat to the position of show-runner is something I wholeheartedly endorse. Not that I didn't endorse it already; this has just given me even more cause to do so. I must admit, I'm glad he got passed over the first time he applied -- after all, he was seven, and also, we wouldn't have gotten Coupling -- but now? MADE OF WIN.

Now it's off to a comic book store party for big funtime, but Doctor Who has already made this day awesome.


television, doctor who, geekiness

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