Good blondes do their chores.

Jan 15, 2008 15:28

Last night, I...

* Threw out the massive bag of old papers sitting next to the couch.
* Unpacked a box of my DVDs and put it away.
* Generated three full boxes of junk for the 'get it out of my life' pile.
* Gave Rebecca roughly a box of stuff that was totally awesome for her, and totally clutter for me.
* Sliced another four pages free from the sketchbook they were in and got them filed.
* Cleared out my bedroom junk drawer.
* Moved a bunch of general clutter into the bedroom junk drawer.
* Showed no mercy in my general clutter-purge.

Today, I've...

* Finished packing up my box for Amy.
* Mailed the box for Amy.
* Finally, after way too long, mailed Kelsey's poster.
* Sent payment inquiries for various pieces of art.
* Delivered (by hand) one piece of art.
* Obtained two addresses for pending art deliveries.

Tonight I'm sleeping at Kate's, but tomorrow night I'll gather up the last of the Things To Mail that I've had lingering around my bedroom and pack them to be taken to the UPS Store on Thursday. And then -- FREEDOM! At least until the next art auction, which is probably going to be sometime the week after Conflikt. I'll do a comic strip sale with the updated availabilities this coming weekend; no shipping and handling charges if you buy for at-Conflikt delivery.

(Art auctions help me pay for silly things like 'art supplies', and I'm running sadly low on both my comic strip paper and working .01 Microns.)

Behold the productivity!

cleaning, life rocks, good things, art

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