An open letter to the CW.

Jan 15, 2008 13:58

Dear the CW Network;

It was with some dismay that I received the news that you're planning to shuffle Supernatural around the schedule like you were Fox and it was Firefly. This is not appropriate behavior for a kind, nurturing network that doesn't want angry fans marching on its gates with sticks. We're already pretty cranky, thanks to this whole 'ongoing Writer's Strike' thing messing with our normal TV-watching habits. Do you want to poke at us while we're down and irritated? No, you do not. In point of fact, poking at us right now is about as clever as poking at a rattlesnake with your tongue. The end results are probably going to make you unhappy, although they might win your estate a hundred grand from America's Stupidest Home Videos.

Now, I'm aware that you have ratings difficulties, and that you want to fix that, since 'higher ratings' equals 'higher advertising revinue', and hence 'more money for the network'. I'm also aware that we're lucky to have horror on network television at all, even if it comes with attractive male leads and an engaging storyline -- beggers can't be choosers, and from your perspective, we should probably just shut up and deal. That's all very well and good, but honestly, the only thing that keeps me watching your god-forsaken, Veronica Mars-cancelling hellhole of a network is the Winchester boys.

Finally, keep in mind that your CEO would probably not enjoy an exorcism, as it would doubtless result in someone, no names named, being returned to the dark and blasted pit from which they came. Plus, it's really hard to get all that rock salt out of the carpets.

Just think about it.

No love,

supernatural, rant, television, crankiness, stupid people

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