More website updates!

Nov 08, 2007 07:02

Psssst. Hey, folks, check it out...

* Over on the Pretty Little Dead Girl Featured Artists page, we've added some more exciting musicians for you to know and love, including Simon and Erica! This page is very close to finished! Yaaaaaaay!

* In that same page suite, on the Pretty Little Dead Girl Dramatis Personae page, we've got the entries up and added for Sarah Tapper, December and Ole, and the beautiful girls of mad science. Enjoy learning all the things you never knew you needed to know...or just look at the pretty pictures. Whatever works for you!

There will be more updates over the days to come, including the addition of some fun and fabulous folks to the PLDG Behind the Curtain page, the sudden appearance of the Behind the Curtain page for Stars Fall Home, and the gradual backstage rebuild of the site, preparatory to launching the pages for Red Roses and Dead Things. It's a party all the way around!

Go, see, enjoy, and give big, big thanks to Chris, the most responsive webmonkey ever. Yay!

technology, cds, psa

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