Nov 08, 2007 06:52
As 'tis the season for people to start asking again, and 'people' in this case really, really, really outnumber me, here's the situation:
We don't know where the international orders went. Seriously, we just don't. Chris, who does the mailing, put them in the mail along with dozens of domestic orders, all of which have been delivered, within normal standards of post office accuracy (as in, we've had one domestic order go walkabout, total, as opposed to everything we've tried to mail outside the United States).
No, we don't know why this is. I'm not on any terrorist watch lists that should be stopping mail from me, we filled out our customs forms just like we did when we mailed the orders from Pretty Little Dead Girl, everything. We just have no clue. And since we have no idea why things have disappeared, we don't exactly want to re-mail them all. For one thing, we just can't afford it. It's not the CDs: it's the postage. Re-mailing all the international orders would cost more than I have access to.
What are we doing about this? Chris is actively pursuing a grievance with the post office, although they, like many bureaucracies, have a lot of 'hurry up and wait' built into their system -- as in, you ask October 1st, they say they'll get you a preliminary result by November 1st, etc. So we don't have any progress to report on this front. When we know anything, you will be told. I promise, no information is being withheld.
If I seem a little stressed out about this, it's because, well, I am. I opened international orders largely because people asked me to, and because I'd had no previous problems mailing internationally. I don't know why those problems are happening now, and while most people have been reasonably polite in their inquiries, some really, really haven't. Please continue to be patient. We'll tell you where your CDs are just as soon as we know.
(And no, folks, especially polite folks whom I love dearly, none of you caused this entry. It was getting eleven inquiries in less than two days that caused this entry. I feel like I missed an egg-timer going off somewhere.)