Seanan's top five zombie movies.

Sep 20, 2007 12:31

These are the five zombie movies I consider, at the end of the day, to be the best ones out there. The ones I will watch over and over again. My criteria: must have zombies. Must have people who fight the zombies. Must have a plot that makes something vaguely resembling sense. Must not bore me. Must not be directed by Uwe Boll.

The List.

5) Resident Evil. This was, essentially, the world's first zombie chick-flick: you get Rain and Alice talking about their feelings while Rain teases the living dead with drops of blood from above. Awesome, disturbing effects, a generally solid plot, some great shock moments, some awesome deaths. Matt's complaint about the supposedly trained security forces not just using thermite grenades is, however, valid.

4) Night of the Creeps. Good news, girls! Your dates are here! The bad new is...they're dead. This is classic comedy-horror, snappily written, well-directed, and the special effects were good enough for the time that they still hold up in today's world of CGI and designer slime. Not available in any legal form right now, which makes me a very sad girl, because this belongs in my video library.

3) Night of the Comet. Daddy would've gotten us Uzis. This movie truly shaped the way I think about the world, which should terrify anyone who's ever seen it (all eight of you). With zombies, mass hysteria, pop culture references, eighties music, awesomely bad hair, and some of the most gruesome 'we're worth it, they aren't' logic ever displayed by movie scientists, this rocks me. And they're doing a sequel.

2) Resident Evil: Apocalypse. Oh, like you didn't see this coming. I love this movie more than is strictly healthy. I can watch it again and again; it never gets old, never runs out of the power to enthrall me. Plus, zombies. I am so very in love with this franchise, and this movie most of all.

1) Slither. Haven't seen it? Go get a copy, right now. I can wait. This is one big love letter to the best horror movies of the eighties, and it fulfills me in ways I can't fully articulate. Great writing, great direction, great cast...the list goes on. So very much love.

What did I leave off the list?

movies, zombies

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