My random crap file.

Nov 17, 2006 07:56

At present, my 'random crap to be worked on or finished' file includes...

* The last of who has what on commission from me, how much they're supposed to pay for it, and what work, if any, has actually been done (the answer to the last is 'very little', thanks to the timing of my current depressive fit, and this, o best beloveds, is why your Seanan asks for payment after finishing artwork, not before).

* A piece of random fairy tale-themed song lyric that I'm working on. A very small piece. I suspect it's going to turn out to be a chorus, but I dunno.

* An in-progress piece of Veronica Mars smut, called 'Dismantle the Sun'.

* A Star Trek: Afterfire song lyric. This one, at least, I know is the beginning of the verse structure.

* A random chunk of what may or may not be a martins_passage song -- it's either Alice or it's not, or maybe it entirely doesn't matter; whichever way, it's a sadistic and unreasonable rhyme scheme which wants to make me suffer.

* A random, and really depressing, song lyric which doesn't attach to any fandom or theme that I can identify, unless we're counting 'really bitter and stuck in an abusive relationship' as a fandom. Which, hey, we might be, I don't keep track of these things.

* Another piece of random fairy tale-themed song lyric. This piece, I think, is a verse. But it's not a verse that goes with the thing that might be a chorus (from before).

* The next ginormous chunk of 'Making Arrangements', which isn't finished yet, but is getting close enough that I'll probably be posting it in the next week or so. Sadly, this isn't the end of the story, which is, I begin to fear, eternal.

* A fun link which I will share later.

* Notes for a pirate-themed torch song that I'm planning to write, but haven't had the brain/free-range inspiration to get started on just yet.

* A chunk of Elsie's background.

* A fairly large chunk of 'The Taxonomy of Honeybees', a gamefic based on characters from the Denver by Night Mage sphere (and if you're reading this and making the worried face, your character is only used if you gave me direct permission to use it, so breathe).

* Notes on my next 'Channel 11, Worldwide' post. I'm not entirely sure what this was meant to be about, but when I figure it out, it'll get written (funny how that works).

* Notes on things I meant to blog about, many of which are now out-dated and will thus never happen.

* Another random link.

* Notes for the next song in the Iron Bard challenge.

* Some random chunks of Denver-related game stuff that I really need to get the time to deal with before the holidays actually stroll up and punch me in the back of the head. I dislike being punched in the back of the head by holidays. It tends to hurt.

...and that's my random crap file. Huh.


perfectionism, restlessness

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