Spring cleaning and defriending amnesty.

Apr 19, 2006 07:45

Hello, and welcome to spring -- it's finally spring, this is the third day in a row when it hasn't been raining -- cleaning and defriending amnesty day. By this I mean what? By this I mean that if you've wanted to unfriend me, but were afraid that doing so would hurt my feelings, today's the day! Go for it! Strip me from your list and cast me into the harbour of your disregard! Or possibly just the harbour of 'she posts seven times a day and oh dear gods I can't keep up'; whichever works for you.

(Just to be clear, it's always defriending amnesty day around here. Which is not to say that I don't love you all, just that I'm not going to hunt you down with a chainsaw in one hand and a box of chocolates in the other, banging on your door and demanding that you take me back.)

If you're someone I know well, or know offline, I'd appreciate a little 'taking you off my list because hoooooo nelly, you never shut up' or something, just so I don't sit here paralyzed with the fear that I have somehow pissed you off (I am very, very bad at just walking up to someone and going 'uh, hey, Bob, did I, y'know, do something?', especially when I have no clue what 'something' might be -- blame my experiences with the popular kids in elementary and middle school and move on). But even that? Totally not required.

I am not currently planning to do any mass defriendings, as my reading list is staying pretty under control, at the moment. Which leads us to the other part of today: filters. If you're already on my reading list -- I'm not planning to add anyone, either, until the dust has settled and I've recovered from the latest Iron Poet round -- and would like to be included on either my fitness filter or my more detailed recording-and-convention prep filter, drop a line and I'll add you.

And now we must rinse.

psa, friends

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