Nightmare YouFoundMe!Verse - Interlude

Nov 09, 2007 08:24

www.goTitle: Nightmare (Interlude)
Pairing: Jensen/Jared and others.
Verse: YouFoundMe!Verse
Summary: Jared's had it tough and its even tougher out on his own, especially when you carry a few emotional scars from your past.
Warning: I would say graphic Suicide attempt, emotional abuse, swearing, mentions of past physical violence and schmoop.
Rating: Pg - 13 for this chapter.
Disclaimer: Its all lies people
A/N Title obviously stolen from Mest.
Previous: Chapter 1     Chapter 2

My heart is pounding
From all of my surrounding
Enemies are closing in
In this nightmare I don't win
No one left to trust
Living in disgust
The memory brings the start again
As I suffocate, hang me out to dry

Nightmare - Mest

It hurt him so much. It was always just there, out of reach, teasing and tempting him with what he could never have. The dreams always hurt more then the nightmares that woke him every night.

There was wisps of colors, light and dark mixing, confusing him, making his head ache and his eyes blur even more. Then out of no where sounds were thrown at him. Laughter and giggles, declarations of love carving into his skin like a burn that never fades. Beads of sweat rolled down his face, like balls down a hill to pool at the bottom. His shirt was tangled and stained, twisted around his body like a vine that wouldn't stop growing; he pulled at his shirt, trying to make room for his lungs to move. Trying to make room to breath as the dream brings him in deeper.

All of a sudden the dream changed, the colors weren't as bright and the laughter was an evil cackle. His mom's face entered his mind. It's Christmas and Jared's not there. Jeff and Megan smiling big and wide while hugging their father, the Christmas tree shinning bright behind them. They are all happy, sharing presents and not even caring that their son and brother is missing from the picture. It smelled and tasted so real. The heat from the morning sun washed over his back, casting a little shadow of the forgotten one. He could taste the breakfast cooking in the oven, making his mouth water and drip with need and want. It all looked so real Jared could reach out to touch it, and he did.

He was so close, his family within inches of his fingertips before a cold voice stopped him in his tracks. He looked up to see his Grandmother looking down at him, telling him "You don't belong here boy, go back to your own kind, get lost." Her eyes were glowing dark and her tone dripped hatred and disappointment. He did as he was told, turned back and put one foot in front of the other, waking away, not looking back once.

Jared wakes with a gasp, his breath caught somewhere in his chest. He pulled at his shirt, ripping the this cotton down the middle, his chest heaving for air. His eyes began to water and soon overflowed. He didn't try to remember the dreams, just makes the pain real. He looked at his watch, he only fell asleep an hour and a half ago, he wasn't going to get much sleep now.

Chapter 3

fic: youfoundme!verse

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