Oh my godses and wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sep 28, 2008 12:06


I've got it! It's there! The little interweb symbol in the corner of my lappie, and it's just staying there and being all connected-y, and don't you just hate people who are over-excited and use far too many exclamation marks and capital letters and silly ways of saying something?!!!!!


And yet, tis true - I can haz broadband interweb, through shiny wireless router that brings it zinging into house and up to room - thank you thank you wireless router girl who knows who she is (even if that first step was such a long time ago you've probably forgotten sending it... lightning has alot to answer for around here... *g*) and thank you Landlady for being out today and thank you Mobile Interrubbish Connection that made me so frustrated that I went to try without waiting for Landlady to come home, because...

I'm all broadband upped again!


(And sorry - clearly way too overexcited, and should go and pick blackberries, despite huge temptation now to sit here all day and night... oh, and just in time for tonight's ProsWatch too... hurrah!)

real life, computers

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