Dec 09, 2015 12:40
I need to find ways to increase weekly exercise to help lose weight. Sharon suggested I park far away from my office so I get exercise from simply walking to work. I believe I already park a good distance away and do get some exercise from that.
However, I learned to-day just how useful this is. It is not enough.
I went to Google Maps and figured out the approximate distance I walk to work and walk back to my car. It is 3200 feet, which is about 2/3rds of a mile.
However, recommendations for a brisk daily walk are for more than 2 miles.
So I decided that I will attempt a daily walk as part of my lunch time and figured out a 2 mile course. It will have to be when it is not raining or snowing, but I should at least try.
The biggest problem is that I have a poor track record of having lunch at the right time each day. I just have to focus on doing it.
The course, alas, is bounded by cars on one side...either road traffic or parking. I have no choice. The other side, however, is landscaped and offers a little respite. It is all sidewalk and I only have to cross streets only a couple of times and these are not public streets but the less travelled roads that run through the campus where I work.
Walking with no goal in mind besides walking seems wasteful, but it might help relax my mind and eyes and actually make me more productive at work. If I can focus on the nature part of my surroundings I may even draw some inspiration from the experience.
I hope to start that to-morrow and continue each work day for the foreseeable future.