i try to cram her back in my mouth (sooyoung/yoona)

Jun 27, 2013 16:28

i try to cram her back in my mouth
sooyoung/yoona; pg-13; 1,287 words
high school au
(sequel of sort of this)

a/n: i rushed this. it isn't betaed.... at all. there's probably some mistakes here and there, but whatever. the title's also me trying to be funny.

"If you're not careful, she might detach her jaw and swallow you whole."

If there was one thing that Kwon Yuri was, it definitely wasn't subtle. A good month had went by since the catastrophic disaster that had been their first run of "Grease" had went by and, to the surprise of everyone involved with the production, Sooyoung had stuck to Im Yoona like macaroni glued to construction paper.

Sooyoung had found that was the best way to describe what they had. To the outside world, it had never made much sense - the two of them coming together as they had. The pieces, though they easily could have fit together in a perfect pattern, were more or less sticking to any edge of the page that they could manage. Everything was askew; strange even, and though Sooyoung found beauty in the concept, no one else really seemed to get it.
She'd never been one for the neat and polished, anyway.

Their mutual friends seemed to find some sort of pleasure out of making them the butt of their jokes. Sooyoung enjoyed spending time at a local comedy club her older sister performed at after hours on a school night, chuckling at some puns but mostly rolling her eyes because she hit more punchlines in an average day than most of them probably had through their entire careers.

Yoona found humor in the simplest of "knock knock" jokes, the same bunch that Sooyoung's grandparents had told her on the weekly growing up. Before Sooyoung even got to reveal who the "orange" was, Yoona was already slapping her knee - her free hand cupped under her nose to catch the milk that had shot up her nose in the middle of her first booming laugh.

This was when Sooyoung had really known they were a perfect match, despite what others may have thought. She'd found someone to laugh at her jokes, overdone or fresh on the market.

They were just jealous, that's what it had to be: jealousy.

"You're just jealous," Sooyoung shot a quick glare at Yuri as he hand traveled down to the nape of Yoona's neck, twisting a strand of hair between her fingers before turning to smile dreamily down at her sleeping form.

"No...," Yuri's face scrunched sour as she licked at the top of her sucker, giving a firm shake of her head. "I'm not, I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend but..., she's all yours."

"Good." Craning her neck downward, Sooyoung's fingers carded through Yoona's side fringe, pushing a few loose strands to the side to accommodate her lips to her forehead. Yoona moaned something unintelligible at the touch as Sooyoung straightened herself back up, shooting a quick wink in Yuri's direction. "You should hear what she sounds like when she's totally sprung - it's really something."

Yuri gave a deep roll of her eyes as the back of the bus they were stuck on jolted - a yelp escaping her throat as her fingers lost grip on the stick of her sucker, the candy wrapping itself around a chunk of her hair. "Yah!" She leaned herself over the back of the seat in front of her, ignoring the blatant protest the person sitting in it gave her as she used the top of their head for balance. "We have people trying to sleep back here! And eat! I have a sucker sti... -"

Sooyoung raised a hand upward, covering her friend's mouth as she drug her back down to her side, narrowly missing knocking a elbow against Yoona's head in the process.

The corners of her lips turned down into a light frown as she noticed Yoona stir, hands moving forward to wipe the sleep from her eyes as Yuri continued to yell, muffled, under Sooyoung's palm.

"Where are we?" Yoona asked, tone hoarse and eyes glazed with grogginess as she turned to look at both Yuri and Sooyoung, tilting her head to the side when she started to register what was going on. 'Was she yelling at someone again?"

"Yeah, the bus driver," Sooyoung replied, finally dropping her hand back down to her side when Yuri seemed to calm herself down. "You know I'm all for a good scuffle, Kwon, but if we get kicked off of this bus because of your bullshit..."

"Whatever," Yuri scowled up at the driver, eyes narrowing as she caught his gaze through his rear view mirror. "He'll know better next time."
Sooyoung sighed as the wheels on the bus picked back up again - her hand sliding across the small chunk of the seat separating her from Yoona to find her hand, lacing their fingers together upon first touch.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," Yoona smiled apologetically at Sooyoung, her head tilting down to catch the tip of her nose against the nook of Sooyoung's neck. "It had nothing to do with your story - it was totally... exhilarating. Walking through all those exhibits at the museum totally drained me though," she paused for a quick second, removing herself from Sooyoung for long enough to reach down for her backpack. Bringing it up to her lap, she unzipped the top of it - eyes wide with anticipation before her shoulders visibly fell. "Shit..., I think I forgot that bag of donuts I bought at the re-..."

"No need to fear," Sooyoung cut her off, reaching down into the space between their legs to reach into her own unzipped bag, hand clenching around a rough paper material before pulling upward to reveal a small bag. Yoona's eyes lit up at the sight.

"You never fail me," Yoona grinned wide.

"That's what I was talking about," Yuri piped in from the sidelines, combing her fingers through her sugar slicked mass of hair. "Detach the jaw - swallow her whole."

Yoona's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as Sooyoung let out a sigh, resisting the urge to glare at her friend again before she sat the bag of donuts back down on top of the bag. Hand sliding to the nape of her neck, Sooyoung pressed her chest flush against Yoona's, letting out a small chuckle at the surprised sound she made as she pressed their lips together.

She ignored the audible groan Yuri let out as her top teeth caught her girlfriend's bottom lip, Yoona's tongue sliding into Sooyoung's mouth with a breathy moan. Tongues battled for dominance for a good half minute before they picked up on a slow, even pace - the situation at hand, the location they were in, everything slipping to the back of their minds before Sooyoung felt a hand shake the back of her shoulder.

Pulling back from Yoona reluctantly, Sooyoung craned her neck to the side to get a better look behind her. "What?"

"We're a block away from the school," Yuri paused. "And the entire back half of the bus was watching you guys - just saying."

Sooyoung turned to take a look at Yuri was referring to - catching a few smug grins and others giving disinterested shrugs - before giving a shrug of her own. Leaning back against the seat, her attention drew back to Yoona, cheeks flushed.

"Sorry, I should've waited until we got back to my car."

"It's fine," Yoona paused, her voice lowering to just above a whisper, hand moving back to intertwine her fingers with Sooyoung's for a second time. "I've been pretty horny all day anyway, that was a nice pre-release."

Sooyoung chuckled lightly. "Ah, Im Yoona, what am I going to do with you."

"I don't know," Yoona shrugged. "But you could start with doing me in the backseat of your car. You got new covers put on, right?"



one shot, au, r: pg-13, g: snsd, hs au, ☆: sooyoung/yoona

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