drabble dump: a pink, after school, f(x), shinee, snsd

Jun 27, 2013 20:17

bubble bubble pop pop
jonghyun/taeyeon; general au
drabble; pg; 450 words

Jonghyun kneaded his knuckles into the leather of his steering wheel, his free hand tapping along with the beat of a the fifth or sixth song on Nell's newest album. Taeyeon had lost track somewhere around the third song - it had less to do with his constant tapping than it did the heat seeping through the every tiny crack in his car.

Before she'd bailed on her brother and her plans to go the movies to do... whatever Jonghyun and her were doing, she'd caught something on the radio about the temperature's that day closing in on record breaking. It wasn't surprising or anything either - at least, it hadn't been when she'd actually stepped outside of her house.

It would've been a great day to go for a swim - hell, she would've gotten by fine with standing in the freezer section of some grocery store but someone obviously had some other plans in mind. Not that he'd actually elaborated on them to her, but they had to be lurking somewhere inside that head of his.
... Unless there really were no plans on the agenda and he really wanted to stay in his car all day.

"Hey," the voice from the other end of the car finally spoke up after God only knew how long, his tongue flicking over a wad of gum in his mouth. "Don't you think the beat here kind of sounds like...," he cut himself off to blow a decent sized bubble - letting it hang out into the air for a quick seconds before breathing it back to pop between his lips.

Taeyeon squinted at him, perplexed. "To be honest? Not really. I think that's just your brain amplifying the popping," she shrugged.


"Yeah, sorry to... you know, burst your bubble." And, like that, as it always seemed to go, Taeyeon let out a booming laugh. She couldn't contain herself - or hold back her amusement at her own, terrible, borderline cliché sense of humor.

"You didn't pop the bubble, though."

"I know that. I was just jok-..." But, before she could finish, her mouth was sealed shut by another pair of lips. Sticky and sweet, she easily could've mistaken what was tangling with her tongue as that wad of bubble gum if she hadn't grown to know it like the back of her hand. Pulling back from Jonghyun as his hand moved upward to cup the underside of her jaw, Taeyeon shook her head, letting out a breathy laugh.

"How'd you even..."

"I spit it into my lap?"

Taeyeon scrunched up her nose in disgust. "Fucking gross, I'm not kissing you again until you get that thing off of you."

i wanna party and bullshit
jooyeon/uee; general au
drabble; pg; 310 words

The handle of a spoon gripped between her fingers, Juyeon shot a wink toward Yujin as she started to stir the third (or fourth or fifth, she'd lost count) drink of the night she'd made for her best friend.

"A great night for a party, right?" Juyeon grinned as she pushed the drink toward Yujin.

Yujin smiled back at her, nodding her head as she took the drink, bringing it her lips for a rather large gulp before sitting it back down in front of her. "Perfect night," she replied back, leaning into the metal of one of the bar stools Juyeon had bought for their kitchen tower earlier that year. "Quick question, though."

"Hmm?" Juyeon mumbled against the top of her drink.

"If it's a party, where's everyone else?"

The amusement in Yujin's voice drew a laugh from Juyeon as she took a sip of her drink. "Ah, about that," she paused. "I think the others didn't really... get the memo."

"The memo?"

"Yeah," Juyeon nodded as she moved around the counter top to take seat on the stool next to Yujin. "The memo about this... super awesome party you and I were going to throw... on a Tuesday night," she took another drink. "Because who wouldn't be game for a party in the middle of the work week, right?"


"Actually," Juyeon started back up as she sat down her drink, turning to face Yujin completely. "I kind of didn't sent out invitations at all."
Yujin laughed. "I figured as much."

"Are you mad?"

"Oh, furious," Yujin spoke through a mouth full of mojito, sitting her glass down next to Juyeon's. "I really, really wanted to see Jung Ah, you know? I have this burning in my loins that only she can ful-..."

Juyeon cut her off with a kiss; reek of mojito but Yujin had tasted worst.

do it, do it, chu~ ♡♡
drabble; g; 300 words

"Unnie," Naeun pressed her back against the cold wall leading toward the entrance of their dorm, letting the other five girls speed past her, all eager to relax after a day of "playing sports". Chorong paused behind them, eying the other girls as they found their way safely inside before turning back to look at Naeun.

"Yeah? What's up?"

Naeun twiddled her fingers for a moment, back arching forward from the wall before removing herself from it entirely, taking a few steps toward Chorong, hand reaching out for hers.

Chorong gave her a smile as she took her hand, but her expression was still as questioning as ever. "What, do you wanna, like..., hold my hand while we go inside or something? You could've just grabbed it earlier."

Naeun shrugged her shoulders as Chorong let out a chuckle, reaching for her other hand and beginning to rock from one side to the other before leaning forward to press a kiss against her cheek.

"Thanks," Chorong laughed again, beginning to pull back Naeun before she stopped her, releasing one of her hands to graze the side of the other's face.
"Unnie, when you kissed my forehead back at the event, did you... feel anything?"

Chorong's eyebrows furrowed together in visible confusion. "I felt your forehead on my lips..."

"No, unnie," Naeun looked down at the ground, chuckling nervously. "Not just physically, but did you... feel things, like...," she trailed off, removing her hand from Chorong's cheek to rest it against her chest, just above her heart. "Here."

Lips forming into an "o" shape, Chorong brought her hand up to brush a strand of hair out of Naeun's eyes before leaning forward to press their lips together. Pulling back, she gave her another, softer, smile. "Of course I do, I always do."

i twist up my lipstick and kiss your lips
drabble; g; 316 words

"I bought some new make-up," Sunyoung commented offhandedly as the ball of her ankle hit against Jinki's, stretching forward to reach for her new supply of various liners, glosses, eye shadows and lipstick.

Finishing the last half of a tune he had been humming out for a good few minutes, Jinki turned to look at her, genuine interest in his voice as he replied. "Did you?"

"Yeah, I thought it was time to spice things up a bit." Sunyoung flashed him as smile as she grabbed one of the tubes of lipstick, Jinki smiling back hesitantly, almost confused as he tried to interpret what she was implying.

"Spice things up how?"

"I don't know," Sunyoung shrugged as she popped the top off of the lipstick, rolling it up a bit from the bottom. "I've never really done matte colors before - I've gone through, like, fifty tubes of clear and flavored gloss but never anything... bold like that."

"I like your flavored gloss," Jinki gave her another smile as she started to apply the bright red color to her lips.

"I do too, but," she paused, frowning when realizing she didn't really have anything to blot her lips against. "I like a lot of things, so!"

Jinki nodded his head in silent agreement as Sunyoung continued to look around for something to get rid of the excess color with before a little light bulb turned on inside of her head. "Hey...," she trailed off, scooting herself a bit closer to Jinki. "Can I use you for something?"

"Can you... use me?"

"Yeah, for something," Sunyoung giggled before grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer, pressing their lips together. She held still for a good ten seconds before pulling back, the smile that had already been playing across her features widening at the red mark she'd left on his lips. "Thanks for that."

g: a pink, au, r: pg, ☆: jonghyun/taeyeon, g: snsd, ☆: chorong/naeun, r: g, ☆: jooyeon/uee, g: shinee, g: after school, ☆: luna/onew, drabble

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