Dairy Protein Solution, Tile, and Siding

Nov 07, 2009 13:25

I had been contemplating making cottage cheese to satisfy my protein needs, as 1 cup of cottage cheese contains almost 30g of protein. As it turns out, it would be too expensive to replace my whey protein with homemade cottage cheese. However, this will be a nice solution while traveling. Yes, eating two cups of cottage cheese may seem funny, but it is cheaper than getting that protein from meat and better (I think) for the environment.

I spent a little bit of time today thinking about what we will do with the kitchen floor if it turns out not to be hardwood. Joel and I agreed on tile, but that doesn't narrow it down too much. So, I priced some tile and decided that I'm so not into the options that I'm seeing. At the moment, I'm thinking (and Joel agreed) is that we can just go to Bring Recycling, get a ton of random tiles, and use those to make a funky mosaic for the floor. My only concern is that at Bring nothing is labeled, so I won't be able to tell if a tile is study enough to stand up to the wear of a kitchen. I may well go to Jerry's tomorrow with darthsunshine to look at tile to get a feel for what one generally uses for flooring.

Oh, and we will definitely need to have new siding put on asap. Once we own the house, I'll start getting estimates. Of course, we have no idea if they even work in this weather.

food, housing

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