Falling Apart to Have Time Part Seven

May 20, 2016 05:33

90s Kid and Captain Finevoice arrived right on time. Snob had found a small, out-of-the-way room where he hoped no one would find them.

Captain Finevoice closed and locked the door before he turned to Snob, a slight smile on his face. “Finally got there, did you?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Snob said. “And we need to make a plan.”

“Lucky for you, we already have,” Captain Finevoice said. “In fact, we had it made before you even came to the castle.”

Snob blinked. “What?”

“Dude, did you really think I was that much of an idiot?” 90s Kid asked. “While you’ve been drawing all the attention, I’ve been actually getting evidence.”


Captain Finevoice chuckled. “Let’s start at the beginning, Junior,” he said. He turned back to Snob. “I take it you’ve solved the Challenge.”

“Yes,” Snob said. “And if I thought I could just go to the King and tell him what’s going on…”

“But you can’t,” Captain Finevoice finished. “But that’s where we come in.” He sat down on the ground next to Snob and passed him a loaf of bread. “Here, eat something.”

Snob accepted the loaf and Captain Finevoice began his story.

“Three months ago, when I got sent home from the war, I already knew that I needed to do something. This has been going on for too long, and I can’t watch it anymore. Furthermore, I’ve got a personal investment in it.”

“Personal investment?” Snob repeated.

“Linkara,” 90s Kid supplied. “My brother…and Harvey’s nephew.”

“Wait,” Snob said. “So you’re…”

“Evelyn Finevoice,” 90s Kid said. “Not that any of you thought to ask.”

“I knew I’d need people in the castle,” Captain Finevoice said. “Evie was already gonna apply…we’d planned that from the start, for as soon as he was old enough, but I needed someone else…someone who would deflect attention away from him. And low and behold, my unit happened to have a guy who draws attention to himself just by walking into a room.”

“It was a good match,” 90s Kid said. “We knew that General A would only hire idiots or people he thought were weak…and we both fit the bill…or at least pretend to. And while you flirted with Film Brain and got Ask That Guy worried, I was able to listen in on all of their plans and gather enough evidence to convince the King of your story.”

“How?” Snob asked. “You make enough noise that anyone would notice you!”

90s Kid raised his eyebrows. “Do I?” he asked. “Yeah, I talk a lot, but I never say anything important and everyone just kind of ignores me.”

“It was the image we wanted to project,” Captain Finevoice explained. “No one ever notices castle guards...we’re practically invisible until we get ourselves into trouble. And Evie played his part perfectly. Innocuous enough for no one to notice, idiotic enough for no one to question him.” He smiled fondly at 90s Kid, who ducked his head, grinning.

“So what now?” Snob asked. “You’ve obviously got everything you need to back me up when I go to the King…what’s to stop us from just doing it?”

“We don’t have the last piece of evidence,” Captain Finevoice said. “We know that Ask That Guy is running out of patience, and we know he’s going to start trying to kill them…not that we’ll let him. But we don’t know when he’ll strike, and we want to catch him in the act. Right now, most of what we have is what Evie overheard, and let’s face it-the idiot thing may end up working against us.”

Snob nodded slowly. “I know when he’s planning to act,” he said. “He said midwinter’s eve…tomorrow night.”

Captain Finevoice nodded slowly. “Good,” he said. He stood up abruptly. “Get some sleep, change your clothes, and tonight, do exactly what you’ve been doing. Follow them, help them. Then tomorrow, stick to Ask That Guy like glue.” He smiled slightly. “And give my best to the Kid when you get down there.”

Snob got up as well. “By the way,” he asked. “Who are those people down there?”

Captain Finevoice raised his eyebrows. “Haven’t you ever wondered why there are twelve grown royals, none of whom are married?” he asked.

“No,” Snob said in confusion. “I just figured the King had never approved anyone.”

“They were meant to be married,” 90s Kid said. “Well, some of them…Critic, certainly, to Nerd, who was the prince of a neighboring country. But they were certainly all interested in someone. Some are princes from other lands, some are just young lords…and some, like Linkara, weren’t anyone of importance who just happened to win the heart of a young royal.”

“So who is Linkara?” Snob asked.

“He was apprenticed to the court magician,” 90s Kid said. “And he and Spoony were having an affair for years…not that anyone cared before this started.”

“The King was a lot more open to them marrying who they liked back then,” Harvey explained. “Until Ask That Guy made his demand and was shot down. Then he cast his curse, silenced all of us, and started a war. I think he also arranged the assassination of the court magician, though I can’t prove that.”

“I think it was part of the curse that the King suddenly turned on the idea of any of them marrying a commoner,” 90s Kid supplied.

“And why are you able to talk about that when no one else can?” Snob asked.

“Because Ask That Guy doesn’t know that I know,” 90s Kid said. “He realized that Harvey had figured it out, but he didn’t know that Harvey had written to me before he was silenced.”

“And we want to keep it that way,” Captain Finevoice finished. “Now let’s go…Snob, get out first and go invisible.”

Snob obeyed and headed back to the barracks and washed quickly before going back to the royal wing. There, he slipped into Critic’s room and curled up in a corner to get a bit of sleep before the night’s adventure, trying not to think about the implications of what 90s Kid had said about the young men in the dance hall.


The night passed much as the one before had. Snob followed the young royals unseen to the underground castle. The only difference this time was that the trees were silver instead of gold. Snob paused to snap a branch off a tree again, making Film Brain jump slightly.

He stayed in his corner again, watching the ball. At one point, his eyes met Linkara’s, who nodded to him in greeting but didn’t endeavor to speak to him. Snob instead spent most of the night watching Film Brain, fighting the urge to take off the ring and go claim the prince as his own partner.

But he didn’t, merely watched until the young royals went back to the boats. Snob once again stayed near the front and hurried back to the castle above while the young royals said goodbye to their lovers.

To his surprise, Film Brain came back into Critic’ room just as Snob pulled off the ring. The little prince collapsed on the bed, looking tired and upset.

Snob glanced at him. “Are the others coming?” he asked shortly.

“Soon,” Film Brain said. “But they linger as long as they can.”

“I’ll get your medicine, Your Highness,” Snob said, moving to get everything ready.

“Couldn’t you just sit down with me a moment?” Film Brain asked.

“You heard what the King said,” Snob said. “I’d rather not give him an excuse.” He fetched the basin for Film Brain. “Besides, wouldn’t you be happier with your prince down there?”

Film Brain colored. “It’s not…we aren’t…he isn’t my lover,” he said. “He never was…I think the King had intentions for us to marry, but…we’re friends. You’re the one I want…you know that.”

“Am I, though?” Snob asked. “If…if our circumstances had been different, would you even consider a castle guard? If I couldn’t break this curse, would you even think about me?”

“I don’t like thinking about what-if,” Film Brain said. “Our circumstances are what they are, and they’ve led us here. And…and maybe if things were different, I wouldn’t think about it. But I have, and I love you, and I won’t…I won’t even entertain the idea that I can’t have you.” He looked at Snob, his face desperate. “I know what it looks like.” He swallowed heavily. “I know you think I’m using you…and maybe I was, at first, but…but I got to know you. And I know that you’re smart, and you’re loyal, and you’re brave…and you are pretty cute. And I love you.” His eyes were filling with tears. “If you don’t want me, you don’t need to marry me… You know what’s happening. You can go to the King…”

“Don’t worry,” Snob said. “We have a plan. It’s just going to be one more night…one more night, and then you’ll be free.” He hesitated, then leaned up and kissed Film Brain’s lips softly. “I love you, too, my prince. And I will fucking kill someone if I must to save you.” He took a breath. “But…I need you to understand that even if we win this, your life is not going to be easy. A soldier’s life is fucking hard…a soldier’s life when he’s unemployed is harder.”

“The Challenge offers half the kingdom…”

“I don’t want to rule,” Snob said. “I’d be fucking terrible at it, and the King wouldn’t want a convicted traitor in charge of his people, Challenge or no Challenge. There’s a reason I just asked for enough to live on, and I’m hoping he’ll overestimate how much that is. But I doubt he’s going to give us a nice living, and we’ll probably have to find other work. We won’t live in a castle, or have any of the nice things you’re used to. It will be fucking hard, and we’ll probably be hungry a lot. And then there’s me. You don’t…” Snob took several deep breaths. “I’m not…I’m not a good man, Film Brain. I’m violent, and temperamental. I have horrible flashbacks and nightmares…I wake up almost every morning either screaming or ready to stab something. I don’t mingle, I don’t go out much, and you’d probably end up apologizing for me more often than not. Are you still willing to marry me, knowing all that?”

“Yes,” Film Brain said. “If I can be with you…if we can save them…I will take any hardship.” He smiled wryly. “As long as I don’t have to keep doing this, I will take anything.”

“Good,” Snob said. “Then I will marry you, when this is over…or when I must to end it. And I promise that I will treasure you, and that I will do my best to make you happy, even if we end up with nothing at all.”

Film Brain smiled, but then the footsteps of the others were heard and Snob quickly busied himself with preparing medicine for all of them.


As instructed, as soon as he had finished his bandaging, Snob put on the ring and headed off to find Ask That Guy. Whatever he was planning, Snob had to be sure to stop it.

He found the Lord Chamberlain in a hallway, talking to the serving maid who Snob remembered from his first day on the guard.

“And make sure you take the young royals their new shoes, Calluna,” Ask That Guy was saying. “They’ve already been set aside…usual place.”

“Yes, sir,” Calluna said. “Will that be all?”

“No,” Ask That Guy said. “Once you’ve seen to that, tell General Anesthetic that I wish to see him in my office as soon as it’s convenient.” With that, Ask That Guy turned and strode away. Snob stayed just long enough to see Calluna flip the bird behind the Lord Chamberlain’s back before he hurried after.

Ask That Guy returned to his office. Snob stayed near the door, ready to run if it seemed that Ask That Guy had seen him, but it didn’t appear that the Lord Chamberlain had noticed anything.

General Anesthetic did not arrive until late in the afternoon, but Ask That Guy seemed to have infinite patience. And fortunately, so did Snob.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” General Anesthetic asked when he finally did arrive.

“Yes,” Ask That Guy said. “What took you so long?”

“Forgive me. That stupid girl didn’t give me your message until just now.”

Ask That Guy sighed, but didn’t object further. “It is tonight. The little one will die first…pity for the soldier who seduced him. But I think it will be easy to lay the blame on him.”

“I will see to it,” General Anesthetic said. “Anything else?”

“Yes,” Ask That Guy said. He stood up and went to the window. “My power will return soon…not tonight, but soon enough that I will be able to compel Critic to do as I say. And once that happens, the King must die.”

“Any requests?”

“Make it look like an accident. We don’t need people asking questions.” Ask That Guy turned back around. “You’ve done well, General. I see a promotion waiting for you as soon as I am King.”

“Thank you, sir. Will that be all?”

“Yes, I think so.” Ask That Guy’s smile was more unpleasant than ever. “The sun’s going down,” he said. “Midwinter…the longest night of the year. I wonder how far the little prince will get…he’s already dying.”

General Anesthetic raised his eyebrows. “How?” he asked.

“Poison,” Ask That Guy said casually. “Something simple…it’s actually be induced in all of them for months now…not lethal doses, but enough to keep them from healing properly, even with the soldier’s care…but I gave the little one the final amount today…he may not even reach the castle.”

Snob paled. He glanced at the door, which was closed tight. He wouldn’t be able to leave without drawing attention to himself…but if Film Brain kept going…

“And you think killing them will make Critic say yes?” General Anesthetic asked.

“He needs to know that I’m not playing games,” Ask That Guy said. “He won’t be able to keep it up when they start dropping on the dance floor. Such a pity…the little one is so pretty.” His eyes moved to the corner. “Wouldn’t you agree, Sergeant?”

General Anesthetic turned around. Snob didn’t move. Surely Ask That Guy couldn’t really see him?

“Don’t try to pretend you aren’t there,” Ask That Guy said. “I may not be as powerful a sorcerer as I could be, but I can still sense when someone else’s magic comes into my presence. And believe me, I know Linkara’s style very well. So take off whatever you’re using and come forward like a good boy.”

Snob sighed and pulled off the ring. If he was going to die, he would do it as a man. “All right, you got me,” he said. “And I suppose that now you’re going to kill me before I can run to the King and tell him all your plans.”

“Actually, no,” Ask That Guy said. “Because I know that’s not your intent.” He smiled at Snob. “You’re planning to try and break free and run down to the ballroom to save your one true love. And I don’t need to kill you to stop that. I just need to restrain you.”

He snapped his fingers and General Anesthetic moved forward, pinning Snob to the wall. Snob raised his hands to fight…

“You can do better!”

“Shoot him! Coward! Coward!”


Pain…quick breaths…tears…

Snob groaned, trying to snap back to the present as General Anesthetic hit him across the face, bringing him down. Before Snob could recover, the general had hauled him up in a grip he could not break.

“Lock him up,” Ask That Guy ordered. “I think the King will understand when we tell him how you planned to kill all of them…how you’ve been doing it for months. All those mornings spent pretending to heal them…when really you were just killing them slowly.” He laughed and General Anesthetic dragged Snob out of the room.

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big bang, character: linkara, fanfic, character: other, character: harvey finevoice, character: cinema snob, character: ask that guy, character: film brain, tgwtg, character: 90's kid

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