Title: No Love Author: butterflys_fics Theme: Theme Set 1: #3- "Only Playing Around/Pretending" (15pairings) Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Pairing: Rufus/Tseng Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in FFVII, I am merely using them for my own story and fun.
Title: Moonlight Rating: K+ Fandom: FFVII Claim: Tseng/Rufus/Elena Prompt + Number: 32) Night Warnings: Nope. Summary: She loved the way they looked....
Title: Little Victory Rating: K+ Fandom: FFVII Claim: Tseng/Rufus/Elena Prompt + Number: #33- Bed Warnings: Nope. Summary: There were days when she just wanted to stay in bed.
Title: Memories Rating: G Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Claim: Tseng/Rufus/Elena Prompt + Number: #34- Pictures Warnings: Nope. Summary: They never understood.
Title: What Did It Matter? Rating: PG Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Claim: Tseng/Rufus/Elena Prompt + Number: #7- Hide Warnings: Nope. Summary: Who would have questioned him?
Title: Blended Rating: M Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Claim: Tseng/Rufus/Elena Prompt + Number: 3) Touch Warnings: Slightly sexual stuff. Summary: Each one had a different approach.