Title: Kiss Me When I'm Starving Author: butterflys_fics Rating: K+/PG Words: 546 fic_variations Prompt/Claim: Love & Hate, Time: FFVII Spoilers: the core game Warnings: None. Author's Notes: None.
Title: An Over-Filled Mind Fandom: FFVII Claim: Rude Characters Included: Rude, Tifa, mentions of Senna, Kaleb, Rory & Satoru (ffvii_tng) Prompt: 95) New Year Word Count: 108 Rating: G
Title: Such A Lovely Sight Fandom: FFVII Claim: Rude Characters Included: Rude, Rory (ffvii_tng), mentions of Satoru (ffvii_tng) Prompt: 40) Sight Word Count: 104 Rating: G Author's Note: Satoru belongs to pariswriter82, not me.
Title: In A Blue Moon Author: butterflys_fics Theme: Theme Set 1: #6- elope (15pairings) Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Pairing: Rude/Tifa Raiting: PG Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in FFVII, I am merely using them for my own story and fun.