Title: Daily Annoyance
Fandom: FFVII
Claim: Rude
Characters Included: Rude, Reno, Elena, Tseng
Prompt: 57) Lunch
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Tseng had shoved Reno’s feet off the table at least a dozen times already, and yet my stupid partner kept insisting on sticking his feet back up onto the table, his mouth curved into a smirk.
Elena sighed, dropping her fork into her dish. “Do you mind? Some people are trying to eat, you know.”
“Keep on eating, Laney.” Reno smiled at her. “I ain’t gonna stop you.”
“How can I eat with your feet on the table?”
“I’m sure you can manage just fine.”
I wondered how long it would take for Tseng to put him on desk duty.