stuff, stuff and strictly

Oct 10, 2011 10:03

updating bad. whoopses. Not much really happening aside from Merlin squee (which, er, mostly consists of me going 'oh, *Bradley*' and giggling at the knights.). Downton Abbey is awesome and they can't go more than two minutes without someone saying 'This damned war.' Edwardian soap, I love you. Also, I would like Thomas to get laid this series. Allen Leech is busy being very amused by the fact that Branson got voted as 'least likely to be a virgin'. Unlike Matthew Crawley. :cough:

Strictly has started again. Some decent-ish performances so far - Chelsee's good but a bit bouncy, Anita Dobson was pure grace for ballroom and had waaay too much 80s fun for the latin, Holly Valance was decent but a bit hesitant, Harry Judd is brilliant but getting tripped up by Aliona's not-great choreography, Jason Donovan is stomping over the competition but then does have musicals training.

Honourable mentions: Dan Lobb: very cute, not bad. Alex Jones.. okay? Rory Bremner's not bad. Audley Harrison is... giant?

Crap: Lulu, Nancy Dell' Olio (Cannot dance at all), Edwina Curry (now out)

in the wtf: Robbie Savage was awful in the 1st week, with Ola dancing around him in a tiny outfit, then suddenly turned into a graceful Fred Astaire for ballroom. Cue jawdrops. Russell Grant: Having *way* too much fun, cracking everyone up, but is doing all the steps and is in time. See him lasting quite a while and bumping off all the so-sos. Oh, and audience is going 'Artem, why are you even *bothering* with a shirt?

In other news, my brother's landlady has just gone psycho. Seriously. my mum is staying there to make sure she doesn't break in and change the locks while they're out, she cut off the electricity this morning after pounding on their door at 2am last night and serving them with an eviction notice on sunday, Saturday night one of the *other* tenants in the building called the police due to her yelling in the hall. They are fully lawyered up.

family, tv in general

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