Complaining about spoilers on a kink meme? REALLY?

Sep 23, 2011 12:25

I posted a prompt on the kink meme. Specifically, about a scene that's only in the film. That is going to be a massive take-off point for fic. Someone left me a comment whining about how I hadn't put 'spoiler warning' in the prompt title and how it wasn't going to be in the US for several weeks.

I have no idea how they thought they weren't going to see the prompt itself when scrolling down the page. Or how putting 'spoiler' in the title field will stop them seeing a two-line entry.

As for 'film won't come out for weeks in the US' - the meme is for book, tv and film. People will be asking for film-specific prompts. If you're hanging out on the kink meme, how are you expecting to avoid film spoilers?

fandom, film

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