
Oct 16, 2011 12:40

Pubmeet happened. Where we all went 'SQUEE AVENGERS TRAILER SQUEE', encouraged people to watch The Fades, talked 'Supernatural is the US does UK horror, just with prettier people', discussed the Degas exhibition at the Royal Academy* (specifically the relationship with photography and how it changed from a freakshow you took the piss out of and tried not to resemble in the 1870s to a really important reference tool by the late 1890s - seriously, go see) and grumbled about galleries not being very good at providing decent merchandise. It's generally agreed the Tate, the Dali museum, the Globe, and the Centre Pompidou are best at it. RA: It's all very well providing postcards at one end and £75-150 jewellery and silk scarves inspired by, but hello, the mid-level stuff? Bags? T-shirts? YOU CAN MAKE MONEY FROM THIS. WE WANT TO BUY THIS.

The duty manager came over at about half one to pick up some glasses, asked us to hide the krispy kremes as it's branded food, we pointed out that we'll be here all day, eating lots of food and drinking lots and do so every month, he got curious and asked what for, Jackie pointed at the London Sci-fi pubmeet sign. He went 'oooo'. And then joined us at 5 when his shift finished, and called his girlfriend the comic geek in.

Pete, Smitty and I discussed Captain America/X-Men/Iron Man crossovers. X-Men First Class and Erik. The fact that Iron Man Noir is a real bloody comic and not just an AU someone thought of where Tony Stark is a rich playboy Indiana Jones whose adventures get recorded for an adventure magazine by Pepper. Smitty and her evil ideas for extending the idea someone's only posted a couple of bits of, where Erik's dad gets Dr Erskine to get Erik out of Germany when he goes to the US, and then when Erskine dies in '42, he gets adopted by Howard Stark and grows up to be the Stark heir. (Tony is, by this stage and current film timelines, a menopause baby given that he would've been born in the 60s and Maria's pretty much the same age as Howard. I also pointed out the evil idea someone had that Maria was the girl who snogged Steve. Tony: 'So, the girl you kissed... point her out in this photo. Oh god. You snogged my mother.') Cue me doing a quick 'okay, Einstein came over in '33 and never left due to Hitler coming to power, Goodbye to Berlin (book Cabaret is based on) is '30-33, erik would've been... er... 6 or so, given his powers don't develop until '43-44..., might want to check when the kid trains happened to the UK for further date stuff.'

*I mentioned that I'd seen this on sunday. Cue Taz going 'DEGAS? WHERE? GIMME.' ...I did not know she liked this. Also, as there was lots of anatomical study, which meant I was provided with the very odd realisation that I have the figure of a 19th century ballet dancer. Seriously. shortarse, short body, hourglass with really big muscled thighs.

:sigh: cold appears to have set in. Guzzling fisherman's friends to combat sore throat and blocked sinuses. At least I'm not leaving a trail of tissues.

pubmeet, art, comicses

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