JB's latest efforts in cheese

Nov 25, 2008 13:25

mutter ow owwww owww.

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for microwaveable wheat bags. Also great for when going out for fag break - stick in hoodie, nice and toasty while the smokers shiver. :snerk: On the other hand, it's very weird. Even when i was a size 18 I didn't really have a stomach. Thicker waist, sure, but no actual stomach.

Music Music Music arrived in the mail. Oh, the easy listening cheese.... (yeah, so waiting for the live versions which won't be completely blanded. It's a decent sound, it's just the obsessives can tell you JB can sound *so* much better.) I really wish he hadn't included 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You', though. Due to Drop Dead Gorgeous, there is no way I can listen to that song without collapsing into giggles. :blink: um. Due to just how *nice* JB's voice is, (rounded vowels and diction, etc), I think 'Right here Waiting' is actually blander and more easy listening than the original. No, srsly, WTF? and they just managed to bland out Daniel's voice on 'Uptown Girl' :facepalm: :reads liner notes: awww, he deems him a worthy successor to the nickname 'Leather Lungs'. can never decide whether JB wants to shag or adopt that boy.

ads: daniel boys, music, ads: john barrowman, owwww

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