weekend report

Nov 24, 2008 11:33

pubmeet fun. and giggly. The word 'moist' entered into the general conversation due to Jackie and the description of one of the puddings...

Apparently gently tweaking bits of hair right around the scalp is akin to a gentle massage. Started doing it to Chris to annoy him and he went 'oooo, keep doing that' and then

It seems it was tickle Heather's midriff day. Jackie was going 'Look, real-life Black Canary! Able to shatter glass and knock people halfway across the room with her sonics!'

In other news, it appears that one of the girls turns into Donna when she gets bad customer service. 'Sour cream, nachos, hello!' In *exactly the same tone and accent* as 'Time lord, Tardis, best temp in Chiswick!'

Sunday : some sort of 24-hour flu which involved me shuffling downstairs once stopped feeling achey in usual sunday fashion - and then bolting for the porcelain god as soon as I saw food. Spent day on sofa feeling dopey and woozy and unable to stand up. And throwing up water. Appears to be going round since Lissy at work spent sunday in the same fashion.

Merlin Oh, SHOW.

Morgana and Gwen smash and be awesome! Morgana used to kick Arthur's arse when they dueled as kids! (CANON! EEE!)
OMG. Hunith (Merlin's mum) going 'Son, he likes you. and cares about you. A LOT. HINT.'
Arthur saying 'You're the worst servant ever.' and then going to rescue him and help his village. And poking him in the face with his feet. Also : lots of hugging.
Arthur's St. Crispin's day speech : :pats him on head:
Arthur getting a clue about merlin! So not believing Will! Being very hurt that Merlin didn't tell him! Still being 'magic bad!' (look, he's learning, mmkay?)
The Gwen-Arthur moment was rather cool : respect and her telling him what's waht and ... yeah. Nice pointer to how it could be when they eventually get married.
Uther being sympathetic but pointing out the sad realities of crossing into someone else's kingdom with an army!

In conclusion : SQUEE.

pubmeet, blegh, tv: merlin

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