
Nov 25, 2008 22:08

Right. So. Writing the Archenland bit. For now this is action fest.

(in which I finally have a Narnian that isn;t middle class, he appears to be East End - but for some reason has told me that the wolves would rather like Saxon names, please. oh-kaaaaay. Well, considering the Archenlanders told me very early on that they were Welsh, thankyou, i can't really grumble.)

Except. Er. I have the Archenland lot making a trip to the Narnian court. (for those of you who watch merlin, 'Mercian entrance!' scrawled in the side notes may make some sense) Only. Um. I'm presuming Archenland has talking beasts and so on, since CS Lewis never mentioned them doing a concerted silencing and wiping out as the Telmarines explicitly did. Only...uh... how the fuck did the Telmarines come to believe talking beasts and centaurs are myths and died out if they're right next door in Archenland? I know they're isolationist, CS Lewis *says* they're isolationist, but how the fuck do I square them being *that* dumb?

No, seriously, do the Archenlanders hide them away or something when there's court visits? Did Telmarine Narnia never venture outside their own lands in the last hundred or so years?


Just watched a documentary on Leslie "hutch" Hutchinson, a cabaret artist who was... fuuuuck. One of the most famous of the 20s-40s, slept with *everyone* (including half the royals), and has been completely wiped from history, partly due to influence by upper classes (all the scandals) and the rest because he was black. i must track recordings down - what they were playing was gorgeous.

writing, narnia, nanowrimo

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