I love craigslist!!!!

Sep 07, 2005 19:58

Anyone here ever been on craigslist? I bought a rocking chair today for $20 and a boppy pillow for $10 and a sling carrier for $10!!! All through craigslist!

Visited my son today and he was able to breastfeed for 20 minutes!!! Was so happy. Although he still refuses my right breast. Have no idea why.

One thing I noticed about my son is that he barely cries. Maybe he is just a calm baby but this morning all the infants were crying except mine. Has me worried.

GOing back tonight to breastfeed my son and try out the boppy pillow.

Also, someone bought me avent bottles but I read that Dr. Brown's are better. Any one on my flist have suggestions on good bottles?
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