My baby is allergic to formula and that damn circumcision

Sep 06, 2005 12:25

Went to the Nicu yesterday morning before a day of baby shopping with two of my girlfriends who decided to let me get whatever I wanted, their treat since they couldn't make my shower.

So we all head to the hospital where I drop off more of my breast milk for my son. He's crying so I and he just ate so I figured that perhaps it was his diaper. So I go to change him..and I do not like what I see. My son's circumcision looks like it's halfway done. I am furious.

I tell the nurse she better get a doctor to look at my son. The resident and attending come in and agree that not enough of the foreskin was taken off and it will have to be done again. Had I known this would happen I never would have signed that damn consent. But I have no choice now but to have it done a freakin 2nd time, I can't have my son with a circumcision that is halfway done. I am so mad that he is going to have to go through that pain again! So off I head to the Nicu to be with Alex so I can be there to comfort him again.

I was at the Nicu early this morning too, and when I got there the nurse was giving him formula!!!!! I had dropped off my breast milk and they were giving him formula?????

TWenty minutes later my son throws up the formula. This infuriates me even further. The nurse then tells me that he did that again last guess it...he was fed formula.

I reiterate to the staff that I don't want formula fed to my son. I have more than enough breast milk to feed him. The nurse said she didn't realize I had brought breast milk in. What do I have to do?? Keep reminding them after I leave to be sure to give him my breast milk????
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