
Sep 21, 2008 09:37

Sigh. Yesterday I kind of threw up.  I think the antibiotics that I'm taking for acne are making me feel sick.  Since I've started taking them, I've been feeling really nauseous in the morning. So yeah I threw up yesterday morning.  The thing is, I didn't eat breakfast and I only had soup for dinner the day before, so I just like gagged basically.  And for the past couple days, I've had NO appetite at all.  I've been eating a banana, some soup, milk, and salad for like four days.  Usually I eat even when I'm not hungry, but for the past few days, I'm too lazy to eat even when I'm hungry.  How ironic.

I have an essay due tomorrow.  I'm done with all the writing, I just need to edit and proofread.  I'll do that tomorrow.  Let's see, class starts at 9:45, so I'll wake up at 8, be on the computer by 8:30, finish everything and print by 9:25, and leave for school at 9:30, get to school at 9:45 and hand my paper in.  Sounds like a plan.  I feel kinda bad for litterally finishing my paper minutes before it is due though.  Oh well.

Off to watch Code Blue!

school, real life

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