Meme and Other Things

Sep 14, 2008 14:23

Stolen from jin_no_yume 
*List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
*Tag seven people to do the same.
*Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"
* When I was younger, I used to eat mooncakes whole.  I still do, but now I cut the cake into little pieces first instead of holding the entire cake in my hand.
*  I'm  scared of germs.  I always have hand sanitizer with me and I'm thinking of bringing toilet seat covers with me.  I saw it at Albertson's the other day, and its the size of a pack of tissues, so I'm going to get it. 
*  I'm an only child.
*  I always drink with my left hand, even though I'm right handed.
*  I am terrible in PE. 
*  I was overweight as a kid, but when I went to Vietnam, I lost like 20 pounds.  Everything bad about my health disappeared ( I had pre diabetes or was at risk for diabetes or something like that).
*  I go on the computer in the morning because download speeds are faster.

I just watched the first part part of the first episode of that Shige and Aragaki Yui drama, Papa something.  I totally understand how the dad feels when he was in the restroom and the faucet wouldn't turn on for him.  I hate those faucets!  They only work like half the time for me!  Sometimes the faucet would work but stop when I'm only halfway through washing my hands. D:

I'm reading this manga called "Crimson Hero".  It's about volleyball.  I usually don't like sport-related things but I love this manga!  I read it a while back, but I stopped for some reason.  It's good that I stopped though, because I got to read a lot of chapters at once instead of waiting for them to be scanlated.

My birthday is coming up!  It's on the 23rd.  XD.
Oh and I voice posted.  Some of you guys might have missed it since it was on private for a couple of hours.  The voice post is pretty pointless, but listen to it if you're curious about how  my voice sounds.


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