
Feb 02, 2013 16:59

Title: One Way or the Other
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, OC
Pairing: InoSaku
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13
Summary: Second person perspective. You don't know quite how this will go, but you know exactly how it will end up.
Notes: For femslash100 prompt #354 peace.

You're relaxing on the couch when you hear someone's apartment door close and the white noise of conversation just too quiet to follow.

Suddenly, the murmuring explodes into, "-- two hours ago, forehead!"

You cringe, anticipating. Sure enough, you soon hear, "Oh, sorry, surgery was just so much fun that I couldn't walk away."

"You could've at least sent notice so I wasn't sitting around stark naked and expecting to celebrate my anniversary any damn minute!"

"I'm home now, aren't I?"

"That's not..."

Heaving a sigh, you head for the door. However this goes, there will be no peace tonight.

genre: general, fandom: naruto, character: haruno sakura, character: yamanaka ino, ship: inosaku

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