
Apr 22, 2013 15:41

Title: I Swear
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura
Pairing: InoSaku
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13
Summary: Sakura makes Ino scream.
Notes: For femslash100 prompt #365 curse.

Ino strains against binds she's only mostly certain she could slip if she tried, whining high in her throat as she's positioned at Sakura's whim. Sakura looks up into her face, eyes gleaming with arousal and arrogance, lips stretching back into a grin. In the next moment, those lips are upon Ino's flesh where they belong, joined by tongue and teeth as Ino bucks and swears the air blue. It's mere minutes before she is swearing another kind of oath entirely; anything, Sakura, please--!

In her release, she manages to gasp, "Fuck you."

Sakura grins again, answers, "When you're ready."

Title: So Help Me
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura
Pairing: InoSaku
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG13
Summary: Ino repays Sakura's favor in kind.
Notes: For femslash100 prompt #365 curse.

Tremors traverse the shoulders Sakura's knees have been hooked over, the hands gripping her wrists behind her back; it's with a wobble that Ino rises into a high kneeling position, turns Sakura nearly upside-down. Ino didn't hesitate after being untied even long enough to bind Sakura in turn, and it's clear she's still reeling from orgasm.

Sakura has just enough time to feel smug before Ino's mouth is on her. She gasps, twists, but can find little leverage like this. It isn't long before I will end you and I know where you sleep become please, please, Ino, please--


fandom: naruto, genre: romance, character: haruno sakura, character: yamanaka ino, ship: inosaku, genre: porn

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