Title: Four Paints Dean Failed to Use and One He Succeeded With Author: attilatehbun Rating: PG Pairing/Characters: Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnegan, Dean Thomas/Luna Lovegood, Luna/Dean/Seamus Word Count: 1800 A/N: Once again, butterfly_kate asks for comment fic and it blows up into this nonsense.
Title: Closing Time Author: attilatehbun Rating: NC-17 Pairing/Characters: Luna/Dean/Seamus Word Count: ~1700 Things to know: Even more PWP-y than the last one! A/N: Comment pr0n, for the revolution! This time for butterfly_kate, who requested it, though really for all three of us (Moi, BK, and itsbeenvery), to further the cause of hawt L/D/S smut everywhere.
Title: Five Times Luna Acted Wildly Inappropriate and Dean Loved Her For It Author: attilatehbun Rating: NC-17 Word Count: ~1900 Characters/Pairings: Luna/Dean, Luna/Dean/Seamus Contains: wanking (the good kind), threesome A/N: Because butterfly_kate is a baaaaaad influence. Don't blame me, blame her.