2011 in review for no reason, hooray!
Written in 2011:
January: 0
February: 0
March: 0
April: 0
May: 4 fics, 1 ficlet
June: 1 fic, 1 ficlet
July: 1 fic, 1 ficlet
August: 3 fics
September: 0
October: 0
November: 1 fic
December: 1 fic
Total stories: 11 fics, 3 ficlets
Total words: approx 34,500
My favorite story:
All Grown Up. alksdjf SHUT UP I AM ALLOWED TO BE PROUD OF MYSELF SOMETIMES???? I just managed to, for once, actually write exactly the story I set out to write, with all the things I wanted to include and say, and it felt finished, and right, and usually I just kind of throw my hands up and say fuck it to getting all those last little things into place and correct and this time I didn't, I pushed through, and I am still really happy about that, okay? Also I have never written anything that long, it's a milestone okay LEAVE ME ALONE.
My least favorite story: I...don't think I really have one? I feel pretty okay about all things longer than a drabble (aka all things here), which, come to think, is actually kind of a weird experience for me. I suppose if I HAD to pick,
Sometimes Super Strength Is A Real Pain In The Face? Mostly because it was just kind of tossed out there and is probably even more pointless than my usual output, if that can be said.
My best story this year:
All Grown Up, again. Possibly because I took my time with it, possibly because
riko beat it into shape, probably a combination of those factors, idk. It happened somehow.
My favorite line:
Sometimes Teddy feels like he wants to draw Billy all the way inside him, make a bed for him in his chest and just keep him there. Billy's already so much a part of the fabric of Teddy's being, it would be simple.
Major Relief Less, really, for the words, and more for the feelings. The words could actually probably use some work.
Biggest surprise: I spent most of this year thinking I had written nothing but porn. Like, literally nothing but PWP after PWP after PWP popcorn porny nonsense spam. Seeing that porn was actually only just barely half the total number of fics/ficlets, and WAAAAAAY less than half the words, was kind of unexpected. IDK what my brain was doing, because reality seriously did not line up with my perception of it. Still posted mostly popcorn nonsense spam tho.
Most underappreciated: Uuuuh,
Coda? I guess? I guess I say that because I actually wrote an incredibly similar story a few years ago that people seemed to really like (and I guess still do?) except for how that story is actually written like a piece of crap and embarrasses me and Coda is actually kind of exactly what I was trying to do with that fic but failed at at the time. So I want to be all GUYS, THIS FIC IS WHAT THAT FIC WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. And yet nobody likes it. Maybe it's the terrible terrible title. IDK forever failing to understand anything
Most fun story:
Of Metal Rings because piercings. The end.
Sexiest story: SEE ABOVE
Easiest story to write: Oddly enough,
All Grown Up (leaving aside for the moment silly porns i wrote to make my shitty commute less shitty!). That was a story that did not really require much forcing. Like, yeah, there was some pushing at prodding towards the end with editing it and stuff, but as I was writing it, everything really flowed and just. wouldn't. stop. coming. Which is the type of thing that makes writing easy for me. Usually if I have to dig too long at an idea I give it up.
Hardest story to write:
Learned How To Cut Off The Looser Ends. Kate's voice is super hard for me! And probably will be forever! But I love her enough and think having fic about her is important enough that I'm going to keep plugging away at it, even if i keep going at a snail's pace of one really impenetrable and navel-gaze-y fic a year. ONE DAY. MAYBE.
Most unintentionally telling story:
All Grown Up. HI! My issues, would you like to see them????
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you'd never have predicted last year? This was actually the first year in a while I was COMPLETELY mono-fandom! And I pretty much never vary, genre-wise. And all of my pairings were pretty typical for me! So I guess the one MLP drabble I wrote and didn't even list here wins this one! And I guess I wouldn't have predicted that because I didn't even know about MLP:FiM last year!
Where do you see your writing going in 2011? STAYING THE COURSE, COWPONIES
That is an uh...interesting...distribution of stories there. Man, what was I on this summer??