Mini Pavolovas...ASAGOHAN?!

Dec 10, 2008 09:55

Made little Pavlovas yesterday, with Mrs. Batt's recipe. I'd cut down the recipe by 4 times, using an egg and 1/4 cup caster. They turned out better than the big one (2 eggs, 1/2 caster) I made last week. Guess that one wasn't cooked enough as these ones are.

I don't have pictures, but the thing's that I've just eaten one... for breakfast. Slapped tinned peach slices + syrup on top, and poured over milk (expired yesterday >.<). It's pretty good, but what I wouldn't do for some whipped cream...

Kani-chan will be coming over to sand the seams of our d.ouls later. It's curry for lunch~


kani, pavolovas, bjd, food

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