I thought I had lost this post's draft, written on Sunday, I believe:
Common sense says: GO GET A CARRIER FOR SANA. I've been travelling around with her in my tote bags, and of course, there's always the chance of her being smushed by some idiot person, which will then be my fault for bringing her out like this. On the other hand, my rather ripped-and-tattered (figuratively) pocket tells me that I can't afford one of those pretty DM (synthetic) leather ones, or the more stable Luts ones. Ama-kun has my box-of-a-handbag, which is just the right size for him. Pretty snazzy looking, too. But for Sana-chan...
Haven't come up with a realy solution yet.
haya5h1 's idea of using a guitar bag is good, but it's practical for her since she has so many resin kids. I've poked around for a 1/2-sized violin case on the streets i.e. not on the net ('cause shipping sucks >.<) but I've yet to find one.
Ho HUM. Been lapsing into a lot of doll-talk lately. Not as though lotsa folks traverse my LJ for anything else, so I suppose this isn't much of a matter?
P.S. My dear
chuo_ri a reminder: if your Mum's friend does happen to be able to find the physical Luts store (I don't suppose they have one? Are you ordering online to let her collect your Dahlia there, or...?), could you ask her to get a
head mask for KDVes , a pack of
S-hooks and
elastic for me?
As of the moment, my friend has promised to ask her violin instructor 'bout a violin case, so there's a chance that I'll be able to get a carrier soon. ^^
A little heads-up for those of you who don't visit
bleachness ,
laurie_bunter , together with
adam_epp, has started a
January Birthday Contest up there with a Byakuya and Kenpachi fanfiction category + a Rukia-style Comics contest . XD The last one sounds uber-interesting. Chappy-styled nii-sama, anyone?
Edit: LJ's being stupid again. left tags behing same of the UNs. Gaaarh.