5 vids by 1SnoWhiteQueen1

Nov 03, 2019 02:49

1SnoWhiteQueen1 has been on a roll making Buffy and Angel vids this year. I just don't understand how it's possible to create so many vids in such a short time AND with such terrific quality. The editing is fantastic, the colours are gorgeous, they're filled with action and/or drama, they let the characters shine... It's simply amazing and I'm totally in awe (and very envious) of 1SnoWhiteQueen1's skills!

The following 5 are just the tip of the iceberg; all 1SnoWhiteQueen1's vids come recommended (and there are a lot of them).

Sorry I have no time for descriptions, but the titles should tell you whether to expect character or ensemble vids.

Bring Me Back To Life | Angel the Series 20th Anniversary

image Click to view

Dawn Summers | Hush

image Click to view

BtVS/Ats | The Chain

image Click to view

Darla&Drusilla | Sweet But Psycho

image Click to view

Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Hometown

image Click to view

char: ensemble, char: darla, fandom: btvs, fandom: ats, char: dawn, cat: character vid, char: drusilla, cat: recruiter vid

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