5 Spuffy one-shots

Nov 02, 2019 21:36

Can you believe that more than twenty years after the show first aired numerous fanfics are still being written and published? It shows that BtVS really has stood the test of time and that the fandom is still alive and kicking. Yay! So from all those wonderful new stories here are five which are short and Spuffy and have been first published in 2019.

Always by kennedynoelle
Post-series, 724 words
This is a bittersweet and heartbreaking story about Buffy's grief after Spike has died in the Hellmouth. It's an amazing and beautiful debut fic!

Choices by Versheenar
Season 6 Post Bargaining, 3.715 words
Buffy finds out she is pregnant and makes a choice. This is a brave, raw and honest story. I do want to issue a warning though. If you think you might be triggered in any way by a story about abortion, please re-consider reading this.

The Peaches Incident by Soulburnt
Pre-series, season 6, 1.547 words
Did you ever wonder why Spike calls Angel Peaches? The hilarious story behind his nickname is told in this wonderful one-shot which is also a missing scene for Soulburnt's epic work Life Hard.

After. by Twinkles
Season 5, post The Gift, 1.650 words
Spike tries to understand what has happened to Buffy. Deeply touching and heart-wrenching.

Pieces by myrabeth
Post Chosen/AtS 5, 3k words
Buffy ends up in L.A. and with partial amnesia after the events in the Hellmouth - which, as it turns out, are a bit different from canon. Slowly her memories come back to her... A beautifully written fic.

At first, I included the following fic on my list without noticing that it has been published in 2018. Therefore it does not strictly belong into the list of 2019 short Spuffy fics. I edited my list and added another short 2019 Spuffy fics (so many to choose from!) but I don't want to delete this rec. I hope this is okay and does not violate any posting rules?

And Be One Traveller by Barb Cummings/Rahirah
AU, Barbverse, also comics season 10
This is an addition to the Barbverse in which our canon Buffy (inadvertently) ends up in the Barbverse and meets Barbverse!Buffy and Barbverse!Spike. You don't have to be familiar with the Barbverse to enjoy this wonderful story. All you have to know is that canon! Buffy and Barbverse!Buffy have met before and therefore know each other.

form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: preseries, form: series, cat: humor, form: longfic, cat: postseries, pairing: buffy/spike, cat: episode-specific, cat: btvs s5

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