Five Random Fictions

Oct 29, 2018 16:24

Honest, I was going to try for a 5 fic theme but I was usually one or two fics short. So instead I am going to list five random fics. The only thing they have in common is they all have a slightly different twist and they are not all human AUs. Enjoy!

1. Wild and Wonderful by Solstice. This is a Dawn/Spike friendship fiction. Dawn is kidnapped by Drusilla and taken to South America. She is rescued by Spike and the fic is about their journey back to Sunnydale. Buckle your seat belts, you're in for a fun, bumpy ride.

2. Fire and Stuff by Valerie X. Another Dawn/Spike friendship fiction. Dawn and Spike spend the day trading insults, stealing and dyeing hair. A fun romp in Sundaydale.

3. Unspoken by Anaross. Buffy/Spike, one of my all time favorites, it's the fiction I usually recommend when asked for reccos. If you haven't read it yet, you should. Takes place after "Not Fade Away." Buffy lives in Cleveland and receives the deed to a secret garden.

4. Yeah, that Happened...the Real Story of Buffy and Spike by Cryptwarmer. A Buffy/Spike story. Buffy is the slayer and Spike is a vampire but this is a different type of story. The story is told, as if the TV show was based on Buffy's real experiences but the show isn't exactly what really happened.

5. All Our Yesterdays by Evenstar. Buffy/Spike story that is another one of my favorites but unfortunately, I could only find it on the offline slayers network. This story takes place after "Chosen." The First Evil was not defeated, but as time passed it seems it also did not vanquish the Earth. Now, in a post-Apocalyptic world only three Scoobies remain and are following a Slayer's dream to possible salvation.

char: ensemble, form: ficlet, cat: travel fic, fandom: btvs, form: epic, form: longfic, cat: post-apocalyptic, cat: friendship, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: ats, char: dawn, char: spike

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