5 random fics in 2018 I've enjoyed

Oct 28, 2018 16:31

There is no particular theme that connects these apart from that they're all pretty short and do their job very well.

The Watcher’s Mistress by elisi is a great Buffy/Dr Who ficlet in which Giles and Missy find themselves compatible. This is a lovely idea, nicely executed.

Smells Like Teen Spirit (well, not really) is an elegant, bleak and sad look that Buffy’s state of mind after the Scoobs bring her back from the dead. This is angst, people, but given it’s Gabrielle, you know it is top quality angst.

There's more angst in Mother’s Day by gillo. This is a short, very elegant look at the turmoil in Spike’s head at the start of Season 7. It’s a good example of not needing to write an epic to get under a character’s skin.

Talking of elegant, that’s also the word that I would use to describe Roots by DHW. These is a wonderful look at Giles both post Eyhgon and post Buffy’s death. The richness and texture in a relatively short piece make this beautifully rich and made my heart ache, not only for Giles, but for all the characters. This is gorgeous.

And finally, a little bit of a giggle courtesy of beer_good. In A Product of Its Time, Angel walks into a bar and runs into Steve Harrington from Stranger Things. Don’t drink anything while you’re reading this, or be prepared to snort it out your nose...

cat: crossover, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: preseries, char: buffy, cat: het, char: angel, char: spike, cat: gen

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