Jan 21, 2006 20:08
I'm kind of jonesing a soda right now, but all I have in the fridge are the kind with caffeine, and I'm trying to behave and follow the "no caffeine after 3" rule. I am either going to have to suck it up or get dressed (I'm in my PJs) and go buy some caffeine free. So far I'm just planning on sucking it up. Tomorrow we must get groceries. Today, nothing really got done.
Since I'd planned to take Casey skating at the 10 AM session, I set the alarm for 8:30 so I'd have time to get up and go get her. I hit snooze over and over for about an hour after that. Then my mom called to remind me that I was going to have to bring clothes for Casey when I came to get her. I finally got my butt up and ready and got to my parents' house at around 10:15. No worries... the session went until noon. But we did have some issues that made us even later. First there was my grandma. When I got to the house, I always go over and give her a kiss, and sometimes I ask how she's doing. But that's about it. I am usually in a hurry to grab Casey and go wherever. So this time that was skating. So I kiss her and ask her how she's doing, and she goes into this 20 minute speech about her childhood. I can't blame her. She's 98 and we all know she doesn't have much time left. I can't imagine how that must feel for her. So she just wanted to reminisce about the old days. So I sat down and listened to her talk about how her family didn't have much, but they had a lot of love, and that was what counted. She cried and everything. Then after a while, she goes "And that's my story, kid." So I told her I'd see her later and went to get Casey, who was still sound asleep.
On the way to the skating rink, Casey brought up her dad. She told me she wanted to send him an email. I told her I didn't recommend it, because it would just hurt her feelings if he didn't answer. She said "What if I made up a story about how you were in the hospital or something?" Well, let me first say that he probably wouldn't give a rat's ass. But what I told her was that she was not to lie. I said "You have enough issues with lying. You don't need to add on to them." Then I said "Look... I'm not going to tell you that you can't email him. I just don't want you to get your hopes up. I don't think it's wise to try and force him or convince him to be in your life. It needs to be his decision for him to stick around." She said she didn't care if he didn't stick around, so long as she got to see him. I told her I understood, but just didn't want her getting her heart broken. She got all sad. She was in a funk for about the next hour.
We got to the skating rink at around 11. I asked Casey if she wanted roller blades, which cost more, and she said yes, so I got her some. So then she barely even skated. She probably went around the floor one time, then later played Red Light, Green Light (which she won). She told me she wanted to go on the playground. Well, that costs extra. I told her no. We were only there for an hour, and I'd already paid for her to have roller blades. She said "Well, I just wanted to play on the playground, not skate." I told her it would have been nice to know, especially when she said yes to rollerblades. She said she'd told me on the way in. I remember that she had mumbled something, and I'd said "What?" and she'd mumbled it again. I said "Well, I can't hear you so forget it." She dropped it. So I guess that's what she said. Too bad. I told her she was going to have to learn to speak up, because I was not a mind reader. She has a really soft voice, and it can be annoying. Anyway, she spent most of that hour just sitting around and pouting. I did some skating, so at least I got some exercise.
We drove through Fazoli's on the way home (couldn't resist. We drove right by it and I was like "MUST HAVE SKETTI....."). But when I got home and started eating it, I suddenly didn't feel too good, so most of it is sitting in the fridge right now. It might have been a tiny bit of hangover. Sometimes my stomach is irritated after a night of drinking. Anyway, I took a shower and we headed to Jean's house.
Jean had a ton of clothes she was getting rid of, so I spent a lot of time going through and trying them on. I ended up with 2 trashbags full. I'm excited... there was some really nice stuff in there.
After that, we put on 40-Year-Old Virgin. I guess they liked it. I didn't hear as much laughter as I'd expected. Scott said he liked it. I didn't get a chance to ask Jean. We had dinner after the movie. It was really good. Jean has a great idea that I need to try at home. She puts out a big bowl of lettuce and then several bowls of toppings, and you make your own salad. There was chicken, cheese, apples, oranges, peppers, bacon bits, croutons, and probably other things I can't remember. A good, healthy meal and all the kids loved it. That includes Casey, who had 3 bowls, and actually put things on it. Her salads usually consist of lettuce and dressing. So Jean had her eating healthy in one meal. A miracle. We had strawberry shortcake for dessert. Fat free angel food cake, so it was low fat, healthy and nummy. We actually just got home from their house. Casey had a really good time playing with the kids. They were talking sleepover when we left.
So, I had a pretty good day, but got absolutely nothing done around here. As soon as we got home, I ran up and started sorting laundry, so at least I have that started. Tomorrow Casey has religious ed, then we have church and then out to lunch with my parents. After that, it's grocery shopping, finishing the laundry, starting week 2 of our fitness plan, and doing some other things around here. Okay, I need a much longer weekend.
OY... Casey is driving me BONKERS. There's this movie on the Disney Channel right now called High School Musical, and she wants me to watch it with her. I suppose I should do that... spend some quality time with the brat.