I was wondering if it's possible for a 9-year old to be going through adolescence. Casey started growing breasts at the age of 8 (about 7 months ago), so she's a bit of an early bloomer. Anyway, I ask because she is being totally hormonal this weekend.
Saturday morning, she had a meltdown when the skort she wanted to wear was too small. She has never expressed that much interest in that particular skort, so it's not like she suddenly couldn't wear her favorite outfit. But nonetheless, she got really upset and refused to do anything until I picked something else for her. Most of the time, she picks her own clothes. Once in a while, I'll pick for her. It just depends on my mood and if I happen to be walking by her closet when it's time to get ready. Saturday, I was busy doing something so I didn't want to. We were getting ready to go skating, and were going to be late for the session. So she chooses to completely shut down instead of doing something fun. She claimed that she had no idea what to wear, and I had to pick something for her or she wasn't going to get dressed. She wears uniforms to school all week, so that means she is left with a closet FULL of clothes to choose from on the weekends. It would have been so easy to grab a pair of shorts and go. But instead, she shut down. Anyway, I realized the best thing to do would be to just sit and wait, and if we missed skating, we missed it. But the problem is, I'm pretty sure I enjoy going skating more than she does, and I didn't wanna miss it. So I took points off her chart for being a baby and got her another skort.
This morning, she got mad because she couldn't get her hair just right. We weren't even planning on leaving the house. When I told her it was fine, she got mad and threw her brush. For the next few hours, she seemed fine, and then she suddenly gets this look on her face like she hates the world. I asked her what her deal was, and she goes "This is the worst day of my life." I asked why and she told me she just wanted to be left alone for the rest of the day. At that point, I couldn't oblige because we were at the grocery store. The whole time we were there, she was being this little brat, telling me she was tired of being around me, giving me tons of attitude... bla bla bla. It came out of left field. I told her to stop talking, and when we got home, she could stay in her room until she could change the 'tude. More points off the chart.
Worst day of her life? The only thing of any significance that went wrong today was that we were getting ready to take the dog for a walk to the ice cream place, and as soon as we walked outside it started pouring (stupid Florida). Sure, she was a bit disappointed, but the worst day of her life? Hello... we went through 3 hurricanes last year, lost power, phones and everything (not that I can complain AT ALL with what is happening now with Katrina). And not going on a walk constitutes the worst day of her life? Plus this attitude change was like an hour later. So I don't get it. Now she's back to acting normal.
It could be that she's just tired, but these mood swings make me think something hormonal is going on. This weekend hasn't been the only time she has pulled a Jekyll and Hyde on me.
Currently, she is refusing to come downstairs because we saw a HUGE spider (about a silver dollar size) earlier. I sprayed the hell out of it, but it ran under the couch and now we can't find it. I have assured Casey that it has to be dead somewhere, but she thinks it is lurking around the corner, ready to jump on her, so she has decided to spend the rest of her life upstairs. Because we all know, spiders can't climb stairs.
By the way, how could ANY attitude come from this face? (o:
So, other than that, my weekend so far. I kind of doubt anything notable is going to happen between now and me being at work tomorrow (although this is ME we are talking about). But if it does, I'll post again.
Friday I got off work at about 3:15. In my department, every time we get a Monday off, we also get to leave 2 hours early the Friday before it. It doesn't make a lot of sense to leave early to get ready for Labor Day weekend, but I am not complaining!
So I took advantage of my free time to take in a grown up movie, specifically Red Eye. I had a free ticket I'd received for doing a good job at work, so that helped. The movie was very good... a psychological thriller with the creepy scarecrow guy from Batman Begins. He's a very good bad guy. In order to avoid rushing and stressing about picking Casey up by 6 PM (when her after school care ended), I called them and asked them to let her stay for Open Gym, which meant she didn't have to be picked up until 9. I did stop by after the movie to pay them, and I got there at around 6:05, so it probably would have been okay, but I avoided some stress and Casey loves Open Gym, so what the heck?
Saturday, like I said before, we went skating. It was fun... nothing much to report for that. I know when softball starts, she will have Saturday games, so skating will be over soon, but 3 weeks and 2 days after I registered her (and paid $50), and I still haven't heard from them. I don't know what's taking so long.
The plan was to get our haircut straight after skating, but I was sweaty and didn't want to do that to my brother (he works at Supercuts and cuts our hair for free), so we went home for a shower first. Then I decided which bills would be lucky enough to get paid this week and left $40 for groceries, and off we went for hair cuts and then groceries. I had to carry around a calculator and get the most important things first, which I hate, but that's life. I did manage to get almost everything anyway.
That's about all I can remember from Saturday... I think the rest was just hanging out at home, doing chores and watching TV.
Sunday morning, we went to church. Casey behaved a little better than the week before, so that was good. The next 2 weeks, she has to altar serve at 7:30 AM mass, which I am very unhappy about. She starts choir practice Thursday. We went to Dennys for breakfast, and then about an hour later, brought Willow to my parents' house to run around in their yard. She didn't do a lot of running... just obsessed over a lizard she kept trying to catch. But she had fun and got to be outside for a while, so that was good. It's still so damn hot though.
We went swimming for the first time in ages that afternoon. It was nice, and good to lie in the sun for a while too.
I watched that Ashton Kutcher movie Just Married on TV. It was cute... Ashton makes me laugh. Then I started getting really bored and there was nothing on TV, so I grabbed Casey up and we went out and rented Joe's Apartment, that movie with the singing roaches. I saw it several years ago, and it was SO silly. I knew it would be right up Casey's alley, and I was right. She loved it. We had a fun movie night, eating junk food (gotta stop that!), watching the movie and staying up until 10:30 (that's late for her).
Today we haven't done much of anything... hey, it's Labor Day. We are supposed to rest. We only left the house to go to Burger King and get a few more groceries (I needed some more stuff and decided to skip my $15 allergy shot this week to get it... well, I owe them $30 for previous shots too, so next time I get a shot, I'm paying $45). Like I mentioned before, we attempted a walk to Twistee Treat, but the minute we walked outside, the rain started coming down in torrents. Good thing it didn't happen when we were halfway there.
Tonight, I'm dropping Casey off for the night at my parents' house and then tomorrow I get up EARLY to go to school. Fun.