Sep 01, 2005 14:33
I don't watch the news for a very specific reason. I don't like to hear about the bad stuff. I like to stick my head in the sand and pretend all is well. I don't want to know about lost puppies, sad children or people going hungry. But you can't avoid the coverage of the disasters of this week. It's so horrible... worse than 9/11 as far as number of deaths, they are saying. I'm not sure if it's worse overall, because there is a difference between people plotting to destroy us and mother nature having a tantrum. But my God... I don't want to hear anymore about people dying, crazy people shooting each other, starvation, family members being torn apart, etc. I just want to cover my ears and say lalalalallalala.
My dad is the opposite of me in that way. He's very dramatic and almost seems to get a kick out of getting emotional. He loves these sad stories... not in a morbid sense, but he harps on them and allows them to get to him, almost like he has an addiction for drama and emotion. So last night when he started to tell me about a man and his cat and dog, I braced myself. I didn't want to be rude, but if he was going to tell me about some guy watching his animals drown before his eyes or something, I didn't want to hear it. It turns out he just wanted to tell me the guy's dog's name was Willow. Whew.
Anyway, it makes me feel guilty for complaining that gas prices are about to hit $4 a gallon here, and we might even run out. I have been having some trouble with the internet and other resources here at work as a result of the hurricanes, but who cares when thousands are dead? What we went through last year when we were hit by 3 hurricanes in a row was a cake walk. And it just as easily could have been us this time. SIGH.
Okay, I'm sticking my head back in the sand and talking about other things now.
Did I mention that we watched Star Trek in my class last week? Well, today we watched The Twilight Zone. LOL. I think it's cool, and they do tie right in with what we are talking about in class. Getting to watch TV shows and hear the great lectures my professor gives makes getting up at 6 AM almost worth it.
Casey was supposed to start back to Girl Scouts this past Tuesday, but she ended up staying home because she had mountains of homework to complete. I can't believe the difference between 3rd and 4th grade. All of a sudden they just pile it on. Well, one problem was that on Tuesdays, Casey spends the whole day in gifted, so she doesn't always get her homework assignments. Therefore, she couldn't work on them at after school care, so we got them later from Danielle (who is also in Gifted, but got the homework from a classmate) and she worked on it from the minute we got home (around 6) until 10 PM. I later emailed with her reading teacher and found out that she doesn't expect Casey to do all the Tuesday homework, since she's in Gifted and the teacher doesn't want to weigh her down with work from 2 classes. That's a relief, although it would have been good to know sooner!
Anyway, I am STILL waiting to hear from the little league people about when softball will start and what days practice will be. They told me it would be a couple of weeks, and it has now been 2 weeks and 5 days. Like I said before, everything else is kind of up in the air until I find out about that.
Monday Casey and I went to the Girl Scout skate party, and I managed to injure my leg. I fell and sort of skidded on the wood floor, and got kind of a carpet burn. It does not look pretty, and I've been having to wear a bandage to keep my stockings from rubbing it. Jeez, maybe I'm too old for this stuff! I fell a second time later on when I was skating and dancing to a good song, and Christine came up behind me and goes "Woo hoo! Go Kelly!" and put her hands on my waste. She meant to push me along, but she made me fall. I was like gee, thanks.
Tomorrow Casey is trying out for chorus at school, and next week she wants to try for the drama club. That's my girl. I was a big drama geek, and I was in chorus too. I also like that the practices take place before school starts, when she's there anyway, so it won't take anymore time out of our schedule. I just have make sure I get my butt out of bed and get her there by 8 AM.
Well, back to my day... Katrina who? I don't want to know.