Alien Magnet of Trouble (8/10)

Aug 20, 2008 21:30

Title: Alien Magnet of Trouble (8/10)
Author: buckshotwon
Rating: PG13 to R
Spoilers: Post JE and S4.
Pairings: Martha/Tenth Doctor, Martha/Jack as well Jack/Ianto implied.
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Torchwood (Ianto Jones and Gwen Cooper).
Disclaimer: Please. I wish I did own Doctor Who and everything associated with it but I don’t. I am just borrowing them.
Summary: The Doctor gets infected and Martha has exactly seven days to save him.
Word Count: 3309

Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII


Chapter VIII:

(Saturday, 3:33 a.m., Earth’s time)

The Doctor was in a state of shock.

Martha had landed the TARDIS nearby the Hub, rushing as fast as she could with her feet. Her feet ached from the shoes she was wearing, they were tied a little too tight but she couldn’t stop. She had abandoned her jacket in the TARDIS; her hair was down and flowing past her shoulders as she carried the cure for the Doctor in a small plastic bag.

As if on cue, her presence was noted in the hub, everyone just seemed to stare at her.

“What? I don’t have time for this! Where is he?” Martha demanded, having this certain glow about her that the others had noticed.

Gwen decided to show where the Doctor was currently at and she felt the nerves kick in. And she was afraid of seeing the Doctor once again, especially in his state.

Once Gwen had left Martha alone in one of the medical rooms, she sighed and lifted her eyes to the Doctor’s body, that was not moving, barely breathing, and she let out a gasp. The tears were starting to form from her eyes as she approached the Doctor, and brushed the brown hair from his forehead.

”Forgive me if this doesn’t go right,” she whispered to him in his ear and kissed his cheek and began to get to work.

Martha Jones became Doctor Jones for that night. Her hands were covered in white latex gloves, a white lab coat and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and there on the table sat the cure in a needle. Thanks to the TARDIS, she had successfully figured out a way to genetically manipulate the cells of the Kryik, finding the specific one that carried a “defense mechanism” and hoped that this would help fight off the invading infection in the Doctor’s body.

In other words, it was going to reverse everything that had happened to him, clearing out the infection.

Martha sighed and carefully inserted the tip of the needle into the tube at the Doctor’s hand. The substance inside was clear, turning red once it entered the tube, and then became clear again. His vital signs were stable, and she could only sit and wait.


“I have never felt this many nerves in one room before,” Gwen randomly spoke up. The others didn’t respond with their lips but nodded their heads in agreement.

The room fell into silence again and their ears perked up at the sounds of footsteps approaching. It was Martha, looking very exhausted, overwhelmed, and out of it. “So?” Jack approached her, resting his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady.

“He, um, he’ll be fine. We just have to wait and let the cure kick in.” Martha nodded, trying to keep her eyes open and let out a slight yawn. “I think I should go lay down?” She got a smile from Jack made her feel warm inside again. “The cure should work within a good six to seven hours but since the Doctor is already self healing, it could be shorter.” Martha gave everyone a weak smile and stepped out of Jack’s hands and moved around him to head someplace to sleep.

”Oi! Wait for me, huh?” Jack hustled after Martha. “I’ll make sure she finds a place to rest,” Jack said over his shoulder and witnessed Martha stumbling over her own two feet. “And that she doesn’t hurt herself.”

Jack wrapped his arm around Martha’s waist, holding her against him as he took her to a quiet place to rest. Somehow, he found a small place for her to rest her head and relax. To him, Martha was the epitome of the word amazing. When he first set eyes on her, she seemed so wide eyed, but smart, quick on her feet. There was that little connection between them that he knew the feeling was mutual. She had walked the Earth for mankind, helped save the world for a second time, and he could list everything he loved about her. Jack carried Martha the rest of the way and laid her down on cot gently.

”Mm,” Martha groaned as she felt her head hit a pillow. “Thank You.”

Jack grinned down at her and got down to his knees. “You are brilliant, you know that?” Jack told her and saw a lazy smile come on Martha’s face. She moved her eyes over to him and looked him over. “I think you deserve some time off. What do you think of that?”

Martha chuckled a little, rubbing her face. She forgot she was wearing black vest top and black pants, and her own feet were starting to feel better from running and walking. “That sounds…great, actually. Another reason why I love you Jack,” she trailed off, looking at the ceiling, staring at the strange paint pattern up there. She bit her bottom lip slightly and looked over at him again. “I missed you.” Martha admitted, her finger lightly pushed the tip of Jack’s nose and he just shook his head playfully at her.

“I missed you, too, Jones.” Jack responded and looked her over. Martha didn’t look like a doctor anymore. She looked more like a soldier who was happy her duty was over. Jack moved to hold her hand and her fingers interlocked with hers.

For a few minutes, both of them just held each other’s hand, gazing into each other’s eyes, just relieved and happy to see each other.

Jack had kissed her. Not once, not twice, but Martha had lost count after number four. She kissed him back with such softness, gentleness, Jack wasn’t used to that but with Martha, and he was going to make the exception. It wasn’t until Jack was half way onto Martha’s body that she stopped him. “Let’s stop,” she paused. This was just another “detour” in her life right now.

Jack nodded and moved to get off of her. “I’m going to keep an eye on the Doctor for you.” He said, reaching the door.

”Jack,” she spoke, seeing him stop. “Later.” She nodding, confirming that both of them would have to talk.

He nodded his head and excused himself out of the room, and Martha head the door click behind him. Moving to her side, she faced the wall, tracing it with her finger.

For the first time, the TARDIS wasn’t there to calm her nerves and get her to sleep.


A few hours had passed, and the Hub went back to normal, if you could call it that.

The gang cleaned up, did paperwork, did research, everything to basically get back on schedule.

Gwen was back at her desk, glimpsing over files, Mickey and Jack decided to head out together to finish with the Weevil situation, Ianto was frustrating himself to find a pen on his cluttered desk and Martha…

Well, Martha could only sleep for a couple of hours before staying up for the rest of the time. She was sitting Indian style on the cot, her fingers were laced together, she was anxious. Her own lips still tingled from the kiss, well, kisses that Jack laid on her. Now she was very confused and she wasn’t happy about that.

Slipping her shoes back on, she pulled down her top, and brushed her hair from her face. Martha left the small room to head back down to the Hub, only to find Ianto (he finally found that pen), and Gwen, who smiled softly at her. “Did you sleep?” She asked her.

“I tried to. I only got in a couple of hours.” Martha explained, walking over to the coffee machine, deciding regular would be good for her. The clock on the wall read exactly 8:44 in the morning. “Where are Jack and Mickey?”

“Oh. They decided to become manly men and go hunt down some Weevils still underground. So it’s just you, me, and Ianto back there.” Gwen explained, letting out a slight yawn.

“Sounds like you need a rest, too.” Martha observed.

“I do. But I’m going to try to hang in there.” Gwen replied, looking up from her screen to Martha and cleared her throat. “You can go in there if you want.”

Martha shrugged her shoulders slightly. “I don’t know if I want to yet, but I should check up on him.” She said, turning on heel and carried her coffee with cream and sugar in one hand, and entered the Medic bay to the room the Doctor was in.

He was breathing, he looked a lot better than he did a few hours ago, and there was a certain glow about him. Martha closed the door behind her, set her coffee down, and approached the Doctor. He appeared to be asleep, and Martha brushed the hair from his face again, her fingers touched the smooth skin on his forehead. Just then, it seemed that the Doctor moved into the direction of where Martha’s hand was.

”Doctor?” Martha asked quietly, watching him move around on the medical bed (hospital bed), and he blinked to open his eyes, trying to focus. Martha smiled and her hand moved to grasp the Doctor’s. That caught his attention.

”Martha Jones,” the Doctor said roughly, his voice cracked some. He gave her one of his award winning smiles and squeezed her hand back.

“Thank God,” she mumbled under her breath and proceeded to hug him. She couldn’t hold back, though she wanted to, but she was happy he was alive. He was himself again, the cure worked, and she was happy to see life in his eyes again.

“Martha,” the Doctor started. “Where am I?”


An hour had gone by where Martha had explained everything that had happened. The Doctor admitted that things were still a bit fuzzy, and he scratched his head at it.

”Martha Jones,” he said, interrupting her. “I can’t thank you enough.” His confession made Martha’s heart stop, and she was surprised. “If it wasn’t for you, who knows what would have happened to me. I was foolish to go to that planet at night and not do my research, but my mind, you know, it wanders and goes off and…”

”Right, Doctor, I understand.” Martha replied, her hands on her knees.

“So, this is Torchwood, huh?” The Doctor immediately changed the subject, like he always did.

”Um, yes, this is the medical bay. Mickey and Jack are out but you can meet Gwen and Ianto if you want to. I mean, not over a screen.” Martha suggested, finishing her coffee and noticed that the Doctor was staring at her. She could feel his gaze onto her back. “What is it? Is something wrong?”

“You drink coffee?”

”Ever since I started working here, yes,” Martha paused, chuckling some. “I still do love a cuppa, though.” Martha replied, keeping her distance from him, though she was aching to just run over and hold him. But clearing that thought out of her head, she cleared her throat before speaking. “If you feel better in a while, you can get dressed into something more comfortable (his other suit that was currently in the TARDIS), and head on your way.”

The Doctor nodded and let Martha slip out of the room again.


An hour later from that moment, the Doctor was standing at the control panel of the TARDIS. He had missed her and the feeling was mutual. Just as he was examining the TARDIS and making sure she was alright, the door opened and Martha stepped in.

”Well, I checked you out, you’re completely free of the infection, though take it easy when you go off to wherever, okay?” Martha replied, leaning against the control panel, watching him, and he was watching right back at her.

”Oh well you know me,” the Doctor started. “I’m overly dramatic with adventures.” He smiled and laughed, which in turn, Martha chuckled some. “I’m going to miss you, Martha Jones.”

”Right,” Martha said, not believing him. Now things were going back to how they were. “You’ll get back to being yourself again and find someone else to travel with so I kind of doubt that you will.”

Just then, the TARDIS, who was observing their conversation, hummed a few times.

Both of them just looked up at the lights flashing colors and then at each other. Martha crossed her arms against her chest and the Doctor slipped his hands in the pockets of his trousers. He was wearing the brown suit this time, and Martha let out a sigh of defeat. “You win,” she said to the TARDIS, moving closer to the Doctor.

”Doctor,” she paused, trying to figure out how to word what she wanted to say. “I thought I was fine when I walked away from you the second time around. I was over you completely, and here you come, waltzing back into my life and I put it on myself to save you.” Martha said, not knowing where this sense of strength was coming from. The Doctor avoided her eyes but Martha stopped him. “No, I want you to look at me.” Martha demanded.

The Doctor visibly gulped.

”The way you treated me, the way you looked at me, God, even the way you kissed me made me realized that I’m not over you. I don’t think I ever will. But you can come and go as you please, and ignore every kind of human emotion and I’m tired of it! So just…go, please.” Martha huffed, uncrossing her arms and turned on her heel to leave the TARDIS again, feeling more relieved than ever.

The Doctor touched his lips with his fingers, remembering how he felt when he had kissed her that time in her kitchen. He could blame it on the infection, but his hearts knew the real answer. He was in love with Martha, very much in love with that woman and he wasn’t going to let her leave again.

His feet caught up with her before she reached for the handle to leave. He grabbed her by her wrist lightly, twirled her around to face him and looked down at her. “I’m not going to let you walk out of my life again, Martha Jones.” The Doctor told her, he cupped her face into his hands, smiling softly, and leaned down to give her a soft kiss on her lips.

Unlike the kiss that happened in the kitchen, this one felt more like it was the Doctor. Martha responded slowly to the kiss, pressing her lips against his and they were cool, just like the rest of his body.

Pulling away slightly, Martha gazed up at him; their lips were almost to the point of brushing each other again. Martha’s hand moved up his arm, towards his shoulder, resting there and she did the same with the other arm. “Doctor…” Martha treaded off, a little surprised at his actions.

“This isn’t a side effect, Martha,” he brushed a piece of her hair from her face. “I can’t let you walk outside of the TARDIS again.”

Martha licked her lips and looked away. “But what does this mean?”

“It means that today, and tomorrow, I want to spend my time with you.” The Doctor explained, hoping she’d get the innuendo that was hidden in there. “Because you and I have a lot of unfinished business, but me getting sick, it happened for a reason.” The Doctor was struggling so hard to get what he wanted to say out. “I missed you, Martha. You were the first person I came to because I knew you could handle it. When I kissed you, it felt right and I can’t hide my feelings for you anymore. I just can’t. Well, that and the TARDIS won’t let me.” The TARDIS hummed at his response before going away immediately.

Martha took her hands into his and held them. “Just for tonight and tomorrow?”

The Doctor nodded his head. “That is, if you want me.”

Martha leaned up to kiss the Doctor’s lips again, he kissed her back with the same gentleness, and his body relaxed against hers. His tongue peeked out to lick against Martha’s, asking for permission to enter, and she opened her lips, a moan erupted from her mouth when their tongues pressed against each other. Martha, for the first time, felt that same passion and intensity from the kitchen to this moment, but on a greater scale, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The Doctor wondered what took him so long to do this with a human, especially, with Martha. It was his fear of going domestic, falling in love, losing someone he cared about, but this woman in his arms always came back into his life and that was a sign.

Just then, the Doctor used his strength to pick up Martha from the ground, and her legs automatically wrapped themselves around him.

“Are you absolutely positive about this, Martha?”

Martha pulled away from him and nodded her head slowly, and the Doctor gave her a large grin. “I haven’t felt this sure before in a very long time.” Martha gave his lips a quick peck and hadn’t noticed that the Doctor carried her through the corridor of the TARDIS, eventually ending up in a room that she described as being the Doctor’s.


“You know, she’s been out there for a while,” Jack spoke up, stopping at Gwen’s desk whose eyebrow rose at his statement.

“Are you keeping time? They have a lot to discuss, I’m sure.” Gwen said, deleting more spam emails that had the subject title “salvation is here” and she assumed it was something for rounding up new people for a church of some kind.

“Yeah, well,” Jack paused, not knowing what to say.

“Don’t worry about it Jack. She’ll be back soon.”

Jack felt a little uneasy with Martha out there with the Doctor. Sure, they had a lot to discuss, but he and Martha had to talk too.

Could he really have strong feelings for Martha?

It wasn’t love. Or, maybe it is.


The Doctor was on his back against the comforting covers and bed sheets of his room.

Martha was, well, on the bed along with him.

The Doctor let out a gasp from his lips, his eyes looked down at the female figure that was currently below his waistline, her tongue licked against the tip of his very hard manhood.

Martha had never heard the Doctor not say words before. Nor has she heard him beg and plea either. As her tongue continued to move up and down his shaft, a hand reached up and her fingertips left a light trail on the Doctor’s chest. He closed his eyes, trying to hold himself back, trying to find some kind of control that was left within him, but when Martha took him into her mouth, he felt as if he was going to pass out.

Martha chuckled and smiled when she looked up to see the Doctor in his current state. Oh yes, this was a lot better than saying goodbye for the third time.


A/N: If I get into writing something more explicit, hint hint, more of that could show up in the next chapter. Can you believe it? I am almost done with this! It’s definitely been an interesting ride so far but this is not the end, I will say that much!

jack harkness, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, alien magnet, martha jones, doctor who

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