Alien Magnet of Trouble (7/?)

Aug 17, 2008 20:27

Title: Alien Magnet of Trouble (7/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rating: PG13, as usual.
Spoilers: Post JE and S4.
Pairings: Martha/Tenth Doctor, minor Martha/Jack (in the future chaps)
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Torchwood, Francine Jones, a mention of Rose Tyler.
Disclaimer: Please. I wish I did own Doctor Who and everything associated with it but I don’t. I am just borrowing them.
Summary: The Doctor gets infected and Martha has exactly seven days to save him.
Word Count: 2818

Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI


Chapter VII:

(Friday, 9:30 a.m., Martha’s time)

The Doctor’s unconscious body was found by Gwen at approximately 9:28 in the morning.

Stunned, she called the first person she could think of; Jack.

Around 9:40 a.m., Jack and Mickey transported the body to the med bay, safely securing him.

10:01 is when the Doctor’s heart, one of them stops, for a good five minutes before pumping again.

10:23, the Doctor mumbles incoherent words to whoever was listening, and everyone was listening. It was Gallifreyan words.

Soon, 10:30 rolled around and the Doctor was quiet again.

It was then that Gwen received five spam emails. It was a poem that, if she looked a bit harder, the first letters of each phrase spelled out the word “salvation.”

11:03, the Doctor is screaming out in pain.

11:06, the Doctor is restrained down and carefully watched over by Mickey.

It’s when the clock reads to exactly noon that Jack finally gets through to Martha’s cell phone.


Almost three days had passed when you’re on the planet Yesnor II.

Martha, on her own, had found new information, shoved it into her brain, as well as on a napkin she found tucked behind the last page of a book that were about strange creatures. Now, it was onto finding one of the said creatures on the other end of the planet.

A woman, who was dressed very much like a fortune teller, stopped Martha as she was exiting out of the large library for the third time.

”Excuse me, but I’ve noticed that you are not like any of us here.” Her voice was small, aged, and her blue eyes captured Martha’s attention. “Are you a visitor?”

Martha, keeping her distance, nodded her head slowly. “I am. I’m…just researching a few things before I leave.”

The old woman nodded her head at her, dressed in a dark maroon like robe; the hood was shielding the rest of her body. “Before you leave, would you like your fortune read? Since you are a visitor, it won’t cost you thing.”

She thought about it, she didn’t believe in that kind of thing, but she agreed in the end.

“We can do it right here. Please, hold out your hand, your palm facing me,” the woman asked her and Martha held up her left hand, remembering the faintest memory of her engagement ring being there. The woman took her fingers, holding the palm closer to her, and stared.

“My dear, you’ve gone through so much, haven’t you?”

Martha’s eyebrow rose at her statement but kept quiet. She could feel her heart creeping up to her throat.

First, she examined the heart line of Martha’s palm. It started in the middle, and she traced it. “You’re the type to fall in love very easily, but sometimes, that love you want isn’t given back to you. Your heart is broken, you’re trying to heal it, but you can’t. And your heart line is broken, my child, you can’t fix that.”

Martha was now starting to be a little frightened.

Then she headed towards the head line. “You’ve got many attributes to your life. You love adventure; you’re creative, smart, always thinking of the future and what you must do.”

That does it, Martha thought to herself, her other hand started to shake. Her nerves were kicking in.

The woman’s eyes opened wider as she looked at the last line and back at Martha who was now portraying a confused expression on her face. “What is it?” Martha asked, almost demanding.

“There’s something waiting for you,” she paused. “Something great and you’ll be surrounded with friends and family during that difficult time.” Just then, the woman let go of Martha’s hand and moved to the side to let Martha pass by.

Martha graciously said “thank you” before proceeding towards the TARDIS that was tucked behind a large building. She could feel the old woman’s gaze burning into her from behind but she was probably spooked by what she saw. Hell, Martha was even spooked by what she was told.

As she edged closer to the TARDIS, her cell phone in her back pocket began to vibrate. She flipped the cell opened, it immediately connected. “Hello?”

“Martha? Thank goodness,” It was Jack; she should have known. “Where the hell are you?!”

Martha just stared at the phone and shook her head. “I’m fine. I’m…on a planet where the Doctor was last at. The TARDIS brought me here and I think I found a cure to save the Doctor.” Martha started to say, getting excited about her discovery.

“And speaking of which,” Jack interrupted her. “Mickey found him wandering around the streets of Cardiff the other day,” he could hear Martha’s slight gasp on the other end of the line. “But he’s here with us and he’s not looking too good. Gwen found him this morning unconscious. It’s like his body is breaking down.”

Martha let out a deep sigh and leaned against a wall.

“Wait, did you just say this morning?”

“Yes,” Jack replied. “You’ve been gone for an entire day.”

Her breath quickened. “I’ve been gone for three days according to this planet’s setting. I will return back, Jack, I promise. And we’ll save the Doctor. Just tell my mother that I’m fine and after I get everything situated here, I’ll return and I won’t be late.” Martha told him and Jack believed her. When Martha wanted something done or set her mind to do something, she did it.

Her feet taking her to the TARDIS, she stopped at the sight of something taped to the front of TARDIS door. Maybe “taped” isn’t the best word, but it was sticking to the door and she was almost a bit nervous to approach it. If something was wrong, the TARDIS would have told her, and looking around, Martha began to get paranoid.

No, keep being focused, Martha Jones.

Once she was close enough, she snatched the note off the door, opening it.

And there, in what seemed to be written in blood, was the phrase “The Salvation is coming.”


Time was busy ticking away. Jack was keeping time, as were Mickey and Gwen. Ianto, on the other hand, was busy fighting with the coffee machine, again.

The Doctor was being kept behind a door, giving him a sense of privacy, even though he was currently in a “coma like” state.

Jack had never felt so nervous before in his life. Maybe it was more anxious than nervous for him. His foot was tapping against the hard floor, staring at his black shoe laces. For the first time, he felt helpless. They all did, and there was nothing they could do but keep an eye on him.

The Doctor was breathing steadily, his vital signs were normal. Well, for a Time Lord, that is.

Ianto set down a fresh cup of coffee in front of Jack, and he looked up, giving him a slight wink. Well, there was an advantage to this situation. Jack never ran out of fresh coffee or the eye candy that was currently handing out cream and sugar.


Martha was sitting in the Captain’s chair.

Wait, no, now she was getting up to pace around the TARDIS’ floor, pencil tucked in between her teeth.

Her mind was pacing with many options, ideas, thoughts, the list could go on.

With the TARDIS giving her permission to access files from a database, Martha could feel she was close to finding a cure for the Doctor. To her, this trip alone had been one hell of a ride. Being alone on a planet that nobody knew who you were, you don’t know directions, the culture, or anything significant was scary to her. But nothing bad had happened to her. The people were nice, a bit curious about her (as any non human species would be) and friendly. The children especially adored Martha. Learning that she was a human doctor from Earth was something that they had imagined of hearing, but seeing one, face to face, Martha felt overjoyed at that moment.

But…she couldn’t share that with anyone. No one was there with her to enjoy it as well.

The TARDIS was helping Martha fill in that void. And that she felt the TARDIS was proud of her.

Grinning to herself, she had finally figured it out!

”Alright, old girl,” Martha paused, and noticed that she sounded a lot like the Doctor then. Damn him and his influence, she thought as she approached the control panel again, throwing the spare notebook and pen into the captain’s chair. “Let’s head to the other side of the planet and catch us a good Kryik, shall we?”

The TARDIS started up and Martha pushed buttons and pulled levers around as the TARDIS de-materialized again.


“What do you mean she’s on another planet?”

That was the voice of Francine Jones, mother to Martha Jones, who was currently out of the galaxy.

“I assure you, Francine, she is fine.” Jack responded calmly. He expected her to act like this. If she didn’t, he’d worry some more and he couldn’t deal with that kind of pressure on him either. “As long as she has the TARDIS, she will be safe.”

”The TARDIS? You mean that blue box I see the Doctor with?” Francine noted.

”Yes, it’s means Time and Relative Dimension in Space,” he paused. “You can see why it’s been shortened.” He finished, hearing the slight groans of the Doctor in the background.

Francine was constantly worried about her daughter, especially more now than ever. She had always been a strong girl, she kept it together. But now, she wondered if Martha would return home and have a complete breakdown. She knew that Martha had never gotten over the Doctor or the year that never was, and many other things. She busied herself in work, and maybe…just maybe…things were escalating.

“Just keep me posted is all I ask of you. I’ll advise Tish and Leo about her, as well as her father.” Francine pleaded, her heart was heavy.

“Yes ma’am.”


The TARDIS landed on the other side of the planet as Martha wanted.

And the atmosphere was very different.

It was dark, but no sun ever reached this side of the planet unless it reached the mark of exactly 332 days. Well, that’s what Martha learned from the TARDIS anyway. A bit unsettled, she felt her stomach stir in that sense of be cautious and she trusted her gut feeling. Even from inside the safety of the TARDIS, she felt the uneasiness.

This area was where creatures and other species were allowed to roam. The planet was split up because of differences and who could blame that decision?

Martha hesitantly opened the TARDIS door and stepped out, closing it behind her. It would be safe, no doubt. She on the other hand, well, it could have helped if she had someone there to hold her hand, but again, she was learning that she had to do things on her own. Again.

This place reminded her so much of home from the silence and what sounded to be shuffling around her to the sense of night. There weren’t any stars in the skies, she wondered if they had stars like Earth did.

“Now, if I were a Kryik, where would I be?” Martha suggested to herself, looking around, and came up on the Gardens. She learned that creatures, well animals on Earth, like to graze around in areas that were colorful, had nutrients they needed, stuff like that. It would be a good start to check since it was only a few feet from her. The Gardens were beautiful, as she approached it. The different species of flowers gained her attention, and the smell was intoxicating.

Martha longed to pick one, savor it for the trip back home, but she didn’t know if she was allowed to, or if she would get into trouble for doing so. Did the flowers here live off of water, or was it something else keeping them alive? Either way, she took one last sniff of a pale yellow flower and looked up into her line of sight.

Right in front of her stood what she was looking for.


The Doctor was sweating feverishly while laying back.

He couldn’t open his eyes, but he was aware of all things around him. For example, he knew this wasn’t Martha’s flat anymore. It didn’t have her presence so strongly there than it did in the hub.

The Hub; he knew he was there.

The Doctor had tried to avoid Torchwood for a while, and hearing about it from Jack all that time ago, turned him off.

His hearts were still beating, his mind was still thinking, but he could not move or speak, even if he wanted to. All he knew was that things were going to be okay once Martha arrived back.

In his heart, one of them anyway, was still connected to Martha’s presence. She was still alive, and the TARDIS was unharmed as well. Because if they weren’t, the Doctor couldn’t deal with one of his hearts being broken, again.

The clock on the wall read 5:31 p.m.


Martha wasn’t afraid, she wasn’t frightened at all.

And it seemed that the creature was also the same. In fact, both were very curious about the other.

Did it feel threatened?


It approached her slowly, almost as if it was a showdown to say the least. Martha stood her ground, didn’t run off and hid inside the TARDIS like she would have almost two years ago when this kind of situation was at hand. But she needed to get close to it, very close.

She was to touch it, gain its trust, and save the Doctor with a cure she was going to create in the medical lab on the TARDIS.

Here goes nothing.

Martha stood her ground firmly. The creature began to approach her, and since it wasn’t charging, that was a good sign.

Just a few more minutes…


The TARDIS was feeling nervous for the young doctor.

She had grown to love Martha Jones, be very fond of her from the first time she had stepped foot inside. Their bond grew more when Martha and the Doctor (who became human) were in 1913, and she needed comfort.

The TARDIS only had certain connections with certain companions the Doctor brought in.

Rose Tyler was one of them. From the moment she stepped in the TARDIS, she was a bit wary of her. But what could she have done? Disapprove of the young woman? She grew to like her, of course, and it always felt good to sense that the Doctor was in a constantly good enough mood around her.

Martha, on the other hand, excited her. She was curious, asked questions, gained the trust of the TARDIS in a short period of time.

Whenever the Doctor wasn’t around, Martha Jones was and that was enough for the TARDIS.


The creature, a Kryik, was in a trance, nuzzling the inside of Martha’s palm as she gained a blood sample. The Kryik, of course, was unharmed.

And Martha was on her way back to the TARDIS.

That was easier than expected, She thought as she entered the TARDIS again, closing the door behind her, and threw her jacket onto the captain’s chair again. “Alright, we’re heading back to Cardiff, 2008.” She said out loud, excited to head back after venturing out on her own. Setting the coordinates, she let the TARDIS head back into the vortex and Martha collapsed onto the chair.

In her back pocket was her cell again and she dialed the number to the hub, and heard the phone pick up. It was Gwen who answered.

”Gwen, tell everyone I’m returning back to Earth.”


A/N: I’m cruel to end it there, I know, but I had to! So, a few more chapters to go through before this is finished. I’m thinking 10 would be the final number for chapters, not including the prologue. I’ll admit I’m a bit nervous on concluding this because it might not be over and well, we’ll see what happens later.

jack harkness, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, alien magnet, martha jones, doctor who

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