Doctor Who fic: Project Salvation (12/?)

May 16, 2009 02:20

Title: Project Salvation (12/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rated: PG-13
Spoilers: Still post S4/Journey’s End
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Tish Jones, Gwen Cooper, Ianto Jones, with mentions of the Master.
Pairings: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones/The Master, (minor).
Disclaimer: I wish I did own Doctor Who but I don’t own them. BBC does.
Summary: Four months had passed. There were signs everywhere, and they all point to Martha Jones.

Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11


Martha was lying still on the small cot, breathing was back to normal. As her chest rose up and down, her fingers had tightened around the soft sheet underneath her. Her eyes were struggling to awake once again, but it was too hard. Her body didn’t have the energy to do so anymore, or the capability.

Instead, she was trapped inside her own thoughts, in a small room that resembled her old flat before it was destroyed. The curtains were a different color, as well as the walls, but she huddled in the corner, her knees were up to her chest.


That’s all she felt was sweat. It was hot to her, the room felt hot, yet she found herself wearing a black tank and knickers. “Bloody hell, what’s wrong with me?” She mumbled, rubbing the sweat off of her arms.

But she felt his presence again. “It is over, Martha Jones.”

And as quick as it came, it was gone.

Blinking, she struggled to get out of the corner, crawling on all fours to the outside window, finding herself leaning against the window, searching for something cool. But that’s when she heard the chants. “Save the world,” it repeated over and over, like the wind had whispered in her ear and it was quiet for only her to hear.

Martha’s lips began to move. “Save the world.”


Jack was panting frantically, his heart was beating much too fast for him to take but as he sat down, he let out the longest sigh he held and stared at the two employees of Torchwood. “What?”

Mickey let out an aggravated like sigh and slammed the folder down onto the desk, making a quick vibration against Gwen’s cup of water. “What do you mean what? What did you do and where did you go? Did you cause trouble again?”

Gwen’s eyebrow rose slightly at Jack and then stared at the other man who looked more than anxious.

”I took care of him, that’s that. I don’t think he’ll be able to figure out a way to come back but… how’s Martha?”

Gwen had shrugged her shoulders, but they slumped more from behind the computer screen. “She’s been on and off, she’ll wake up for a few hours, and then fall right back into some kind of unconscious state that we just can’t figure out why.”

”Well, remember, she had the Master in her mind for who knows how long,” Jack commented, and once his body had slowed down to an original state, he got off his feet. “What else did you find?”

Mickey handed him a manila colored file. “Almost a month ago, those riots have started up. People are starting to remember what happened during that year, and the Master used Martha as a vessel? All signs are pointing towards Martha right now.” He explained. “She has some kind of connection with everything that’s bigger than anything we’ve faced. The other part is that she has no clue what kind of power lurks in her advantage.”

Jack stared at the photos of the riots, the photographic images of the emails that they had gotten, spamming them about the salvation that was to arrive. “Are you telling me that Martha Jones, that woman in that room, is the salvation? She can end everything and begin life anew?” Jack spoke up, staring at the other two who only stared at each other and then him.

“That’s the theory. Now the only thing we have to do is figure out whom the original people who were who started to remember everything.” Gwen said, turning her computer off for the time being. The light around her turned to a bright blue and then black, indicating the screen was off.

“Let’s have a meeting with everyone and we’ll figure out something.” Jack immediately crossed the room and up a few stairs to do research as Gwen began to pick up the large amount of papers and trash that scattered around the room.


“Doctor, go take yourself a break,” Tish’s voice was very low, soft-like. It reminded him a lot of Martha herself.

Tish had looked like she had been crying for the past couple of hours, emotional, physically and mentally drained of everything that’s happened. Her eyes were red and the lids were a bit puffy, but she still managed to have a soft smile on her face for the man, er alien, who wore sneakers.

“I don’t know if I can leave her. I did twice, maybe it three times. Four, perhaps! I can’t even keep count; I just want her to wake up!” The Doctor exclaimed, spotting the little jump he caused Tish to do out of a response before letting out a sigh himself. “I apologize,” he paused, placing a comforting hand on Tish’s shoulder.

She only shook her head at him. “No, you’re allowed to be upset. If you weren’t, I’d be worried.” She let out a little laugh to break the awkwardness. “But what else can we do but wait? Martha’s a tough woman; you know that for a fact.”

The Doctor smiled but it seemed a little odd on his face and it disappeared quickly. Just as he was about to speak, he heard approaching footsteps from behind. It was Mickey. “Sorry to interrupt, but um, we were discussing up there on what was going on and we’re gonna have a meeting. Tish, you’re allowed to join in as well, give yourself a break from watching Martha.” Mickey spoke, looking at the both of them. “No change, I assume?”

Tish shook her head.

“Well, let’s head upstairs shall we?” He wrapped an arm around Tish, as a way of comforting her and led her upstairs, the Doctor followed at his own pace. He passed the window that showed Martha’s sleeping form and tore his eyes away to head upstairs.


“Come on, Martha Jones, wake up!”

She was struggling to wake up again. No progress yet, but Martha wasn’t going to give up yet. Her legs were still shaky as she moved to stand up and used the wall as leverage. The pain her lower half felt didn’t compare to how shaky her mind was. It was unstable but she wasn’t going to stop. “I need to get out of here.”

Her breathing was at a higher rate, but she struggled to the door, grabbing onto the knob and held it wide open. Just then, she felt a large breeze come through her. It was cool, what her body was craving.

“Come on, keep going…” Each step she took down the stairs, it seemed the pain was lifting off of her more and more. “Bloody hell,” she murmured under her breath, a blanket was wrapped all the way around her tightly and it trailed behind her as she took a step outside the front door.

The scenery before her was beautiful, full of color, light. But the light was getting lighter and brighter. It began to sting her eyes.

Martha Jones had awoken at that time, looking around the room that was too familiar. But right then, everything felt and looked foreign. Confused, she sat up and threw the cover off of her. Pulling off the wires that monitored her pulse, her heartbeat, everything was tossed to the ground.

It was time for Martha to save the world, and she knew how.


Tish cradled another cup of warm coffee in between her hands, it was giving her enough warmth to keep her awake, but she couldn’t close her eyes or sleep. In other terms, she was almost as worse as her sister. But her ears were more alert than anything, listening in to the conversation the Doctor and Jack were having.

It was only the six of them in a room together, sitting around in chairs. One chair was unoccupied, the Doctor couldn’t sit still. “That’s impossible!”

Gwen shook her head. “No it isn’t, Doctor. We think that Martha is going to fulfill the prophecy of being this great being in order to heal this world.”

Jack spoke up soon afterward. “It makes sense, I mean, it must have been written for Martha to go around the entire world in a year, telling the story about you and what you were made of. It’s fate that brought you two together, plus for her to even go through something like that. What she had to face and fight, there’s no denying it, Doctor. She is the Salvation and according to these emails, it’s going to happen soon.”

The Doctor just stared at Jack and he instantly knew something was amiss with Martha when she came back into his life once again. The signs were pointing towards her and only her.

”What do we do now, Doctor?” Tish spoke up for the first time during the meeting.

The Doctor ran his hand through his hair, giving it more volume. “I don’t know, but we have to watch Martha at this rate-“

The alarms were set off at that moment. Tish held her hands to her ears, the sound was too loud. “What’s going on?!” she exclaimed.

“Something’s happened down in the medical quarters.” Ianto was checking the security system. Then it dawned on all of them: Martha.

The Doctor was the first who sprinted towards the room Martha had stayed in. Jack was soon behind, followed by Mickey. The entire room was trashed, equipment was knocked over and the bed was unmade and empty. “Martha?” The Doctor asked cautiously as he entered the room but her presence was gone.

Jack took note of the window being open.

Martha was gone.


A/N: Wow, this was very much long overdue and I apologize! Since the semester is over finally, I decided to get back into finishing this series so I can rest. I’d like to thank BBC America for giving me the inspiration to get back into writing this fic again and I promise that chapter 13 will be up one of these days. If I get over the writer’s block…

jack harkness, the master, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, project salvation, martha jones, doctor who

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