Doctor Who fic: Project Salvation (9/?)

Oct 04, 2008 22:45

Title: Project Salvation (9/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rated: PG-13
Spoilers: Still post S4/Journey’s End
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Torchwood (Mickey Smith, Gwen Cooper, and Ianto Jones), The Master, Jones Family (Leo, Tish, Francine, and Clive).
Pairings: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones/The Master, (minor) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, and Francine Jones/Clive Jones.
Disclaimer: I wish I did own Doctor Who but I don’t own them. BBC does.
Summary: Four months had passed. There were signs everywhere, and they all point to Martha Jones.

Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8


Martha was “sleeping” quietly in a small resting room in Torchwood.

Tish, on the other hand, was staring at her cup of water in her hand. She was perhaps too quiet for the usual way Tish acted but she didn’t say much. She still wore the bridesmaid dress and there was a visible hole in the material where Tish had gotten shot, but she hadn’t revealed it yet.

Francine, full of relief but worried about both of her daughters’ conditions, approached the Doctor who was pacing back and forth in front of the parked TARDIS. “Doctor? What’s going on with them? Please tell me.” She pleaded, just wanting to know the truth.

The Doctor looked over at Francine, both still dressed in formal clothing, stopped pacing for the moment. “Your daughter, Tish, is suffering from a mild case of post traumatic stress syndrome. She hasn’t talked since she came back, but whatever happened to her, I don’t know. Martha, on the other hand,” He paused for a moment. “has fallen into a sleep. It’s not a coma of sorts, I can wake her up but I’m afraid of what will happen to her if I do.”

Francine sighed at the Doctor, but now she knew what was going on.

“But with your permission, Mrs. Jones, I’d want to bring Martha back.” The Doctor slipped his hands into his pockets, fishing around for something to grab onto.

Francine approached him. “I just want my daughters back.”

The Doctor nodded his head at her and let her go back to where she was originally sitting, next to Clive.

“Oh bugger!” was the last thing the Doctor said before hitting him on the head with what he was thinking of doing to Martha.


“Oh, Tish, you haven’t even touched this,” Jack noticed Tish was sitting very quietly and unmoving on the chair, and Jack approached her.

Tish moved her gaze from the cup that was being taken from her to Jack who sat down across from her. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, and she closed her mouth again, staring at her hands.

Jack leaned close to her. “Tish,” he said her name and that grabbed her attention.

Tish’s lips moved, and it was a low mumble. “Jack…”

He immediately recognized that she spoke his name.

Tish spoke again. “I died. I died, and Martha…she…she healed me.” Then Tish became very frantic. “He shot me! He...shot me!” Tish started to cry, getting up from her seat and Jack immediately wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.

Jack signed into Tish’s hair and rubbed the sides of her arms, soothing her. “I want you to tell me everything that happened to you, Tish. Can you try to do that?” Tish didn’t give a verbal response but nodded her head against his chest.


The Doctor walked into the small room where Martha was resting peacefully. Without the jacket of the tux around his shoulders, he wore his black Converse sneakers, trousers, and a white formal shirt. “Oh Dr. Martha Jones, what have you gotten yourself into?” He spoke to himself, walking around to approach the laying figure.

He lifted his hands out of his pockets and sat down on the chair that near the bed.

His finger brushed up against the jaw line of his former companion and for the first time, he noticed how helpless she was. “I hope you’ll forgive me for this,” he whispered before applying his index fingers to each side of her temples.

He was determined to bring Martha back.


“And that’s what happened,” Tish finally explained to Jack who listened and comforted her. “Martha swore she didn’t know what happened, and I believe her.” She wished she had that cup of water now.

Jack scratched his head and sighed. “It won’t go further than me. I can promise you that.” Jack had grown to respect and like Tish, in a sister sort of way.

Tish stopped him. “But Jack, wherever we were, those years into the future, it was as if Martha had never stopped the Master. Everything...had gotten worse since then. I don’t want to go back there again.”

Jack sighed and rubbed his face with the palms of his hands.

That was it.

Everything was circling around that day, the day that Martha had brought down the Saxon Empire, so everything was pointing towards Martha and the Master, but how the two really connected together was still unsolved. Jack cleared his thoughts and made a mental note to speak with the Doctor one on one, but offered Tish something to eat and something to drink, which she gladly accepted.


The Doctor released the tension and his fingers from Martha’s temples and waited to see if she would wake up for him. She was stable enough to come out, and it was just a matter of whether or not Martha had the energy and will to. “Come on, Martha Jones, you can’t leave me now.” The Doctor encouraged, and he saw a movement come from one of Martha’s fingers.

Martha appeared to be stretching and yawned, as if she had woken up from a good night’s sleep. “Hmm, Doctor?” She said quietly, her vision was still a bit fuzzy and blurry, but she could spot shapes, colors, figures, and next to her was a human form that resembled the Doctor. “What am I doing here? Wait. Is this 2008 and not like…2012?” She was rambling with many questions.

The Doctor stood up from his seat and looked down at her. “Martha, you’re back. This is 2008, not 2012, and you’re fine, and Tish is…well, Tish will be alright as soon as she calms down.” The Doctor spoke to pretty casually before he looked at his former companion seriously. “Martha, do you remember anything that happened?”

Martha gave him a look, tipping her head to the side as if she was examining him. “At the moment, everything’s a bit fuzzy right now.” She scratched her head to prove a point.

The Doctor nodded his head before leaning down to give her a soft kiss on her lips. He had missed her lips for the longest time. “I’ll send someone in if you want. I’m going to work on the TARDIS, see if I can figure out a way to get back to where I was originally…” The Doctor ran off saying words about leaving and Martha stopped him.

”Just send in Tish for right now, please?”

The Doctor nodded his head and exited the room before Martha stopped him again. “Doctor, whatever you did for me, thank you.”

The room fell silent again when the Doctor was gone but all Martha could do was pull off the sheets and undo the needle that was in her arm. She had something to do and she couldn’t do it while being attached to a monitoring machine.


”Uh, Doctor? Can I talk to you alone?” Jack approached him immediately.

The Doctor looked at Jack strangely and noticed that Tish was doing a lot better than the state he found her in on the TARDIS. She had on Jack’s coat wrapped around her and indicated that Tish could go in to see Martha. “Alright, now that’s taken cared of, what is it, Jack?”

Jack moved them out of the way where Tish and Martha were being held. “It’s about what Tish told me about where they were. I think something’s going to happen and it’ll be soon.”


“Martha, what are you doing?” Tish’s voice was very soft; she was still dealing with what had happened.

Martha stopped at her sister’s form and shook her head, feeling a little dizzy but shrugged it off. “I have to go. It’s time!”

Tish just watched her sister walk back and forth. “Time? Time for what?”

Martha shook her sister by her shoulders. “Take me to the TARDIS.”


Tish helped her sister to the TARDIS doors and watched her go inside. Tish tightened Jack’s coat around her before following her inside. “Damn it, Martha, I am not having you go off again or have this bloody ship send us somewhere else!”

Martha got frustrated. “Will you shut up?” Martha spoke very firmly and loudly, very out of character. She started to breathe faster; her heart beat was pumping faster. She began feeling dizzy and moved to hold onto the control panel behind her. “It’s starting.”

Tish immediately ran over to her sister but she stopped her, placing her hand up to say “stay back.” “What’s going on, Martha? Please tell me!”

Martha felt her body starting to sink. “It’s too late to tell you, but the Master, he’s coming. He’s coming back and...” Martha paused to let out a groan full of pain. “I’m his vessel.”

Just then, there was a bright light surrounding Martha who screamed out in pain as silence was being spread through out the streets of London, Cardiff, and the list goes on. All that was being heard inside the TARDIS were Martha’s screams.


A/N: I had to end it there, I’m so sorry since it’s getting interesting! This chapter took me a while to get together considering I wanted to get to this “climatic” bit in the story but go ahead, review and tell me what you think!

jack harkness, the master, post series four, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, project salvation, martha jones, doctor who

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