Doctor Who fic: Project Salvation (5/?)

Sep 14, 2008 17:13

Title: Project Salvation (5/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rated: PG-13 to R
Spoilers: Still post S4/Journey’s End
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Torchwood (Mickey Smith, Gwen Cooper, and Ianto Jones), The Master, Jones Family (Leo, Tish, Francine, and Clive), Sarah Jane Smith, mentions of Donna Noble, Lucy Saxon.
Pairings: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones/The Master, (minor) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, and Francine Jones/Clive Jones.
Disclaimer: I wish I did own Doctor Who but I don’t own them. BBC does.
Summary: Four months had passed. There were signs everywhere, and they all point to Martha Jones.

Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3. Chapter 4


Martha stared down at the man, well, alien, underneath her. Her hips moved towards him and he set up in the bed. How he managed to do that, Martha would never know.

The Doctor looked up at his former companion and his body was aching for her.

His back was against the headboard of the bed; Martha Jones was on top of him, straddling him. Her small, ample breasts pressed into his chest as both shared a passionate kiss.

The Doctor’s arms automatically wrapped around her slim waist, pulling her closer to him, and his mind went back to where Martha approached the Doctor only minutes ago and whispered in his ear.

I want you, Doctor. was all she said and he couldn’t say no to her.

Martha began to move her hips when the Doctor was inside of her fully and she bit her bottom lip and began to rock against him. The Doctor’s grip on her waist grew tighter as she held her firmly. She leaned down to capture his lips again and closed her eyes.

That was a big mistake.

”Well, it’s so lovely meeting you here, Martha Jones.” It was him again, but in the Doctor’s position.

Martha was a bit surprised; she didn’t know what to say.

“Ah, right, you can’t say anything. Don’t want to get the Doctor suspicious now do you? Can you imagine if you told him, “Oh Doctor, I was imaging someone else when I was fucking you,” and see the reaction? Ha! Bloody brilliant!” He moved down to kiss her in the valley of her chest, but then the image went back to the Doctor kissing in between middle of her breasts and her hips began to rock further.

The Doctor’s teeth bit down on the skin there and held onto her. “Martha…I….” He couldn’t form his words together in a complete sentence.

”Yes, Doctor?” Martha whispered in his ear as she felt herself coming closer to hitting her peak.

“Martha Jones, I…” He couldn’t finish what he wanted to say when he groaned when he finally came inside her. Martha followed quickly after him and rode out her orgasm.

”Shh, don’t speak,” Martha told him, slowing down and pressed a finger to his lips, hushing him. She kissed him briefly when she removed her finger, and climbed off of him, settling next to him, on the right.

Martha’s ears perked up when she clearly heard the heartbeats of the Doctor’s two hearts, and they sounded so much like beating drums to her. She moved closer to him, resting her head on his chest, and the soothing sounds of his heartbeats had caused her to fall asleep.

”Martha Jones, I love you.”


Sunday afternoon rolled around, and it was the day Francine and Clive Jones were going to be Mr. and Mrs. Jones…again.

Martha found herself wandering around the empty hallways of the church, dressed in a strapless silk dress that, well, she didn’t know what color it was really. Apparently it was called “stardust,” and it was very similar to gold and crème combined. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun, heels on her feet, and light makeup was applied onto her face.

Needless to say, Martha felt uncomfortable being dolled up.

But it was for her mum, and she didn’t want to disappoint her. This was going to be her lucky day and she wanted to see her be happy.

She lost Tish a few minutes ago, and with the small amount of guests in the sanctuary, it would only be a few more minutes before her mother and father would be exchanging vows, again.

Martha found herself going in a circle and found the main entrance and came up on the person in the form of Mickey who grinned in her direction. “Martha Jones, you look incredibly dashing,” He reached over and hugged his co-worker and took her hand to twirl around, showing off the dress. It wasn’t too tight on her but it definitely showed off her curves, something Martha wasn’t used to in situations like this.

”I’m glad you came,” Martha smiled, and leaned up to kiss the side of his face, his cheek, and said, “And thank you.” She pulled away and told him that the others were already seated.

”Is he here?” Mickey asked before he would make his trip down the aisle to sit down.

”I think so,” Martha replied. “Jack brought him along and practically bribed him into coming.”

Mickey just nodded at her response and walked at a quick pace, taking a seat next to Jack and what do you know, the Doctor was sitting on the other side of him, being very fidgety like. He couldn’t keep his hands or his legs still, switching up his position every minute or so.

Jack invited two extra guests, Gwen and Ianto had come along, mainly because without Jack, there was no work to do.

The Doctor looked around the church, scratching his head some as he looked in between pews and found a couple of hymnals and fans around. “Oh bloody…” He was about to curse when Jack made a face at him and the Doctor just sat back against the seat, wondering how he got himself into this position.

”Tish looks beautiful,” Jack mindlessly commented when Tish came into view.

The Doctor gave a small smile when he saw Tish almost miss a step to go to the other side and her cheeks turned slightly red. But the real treat was when Martha came into his view, and it was as if time had stopped, and the only thing moving was he and Martha. He took in what she wore, how beautiful she was, how nervous she seemed to be. Her brow furred and he knew that meant she was more anxious and uncomfortable. But he had no words on how to describe her. There was an aura around her, something he was picking up quickly.

“You’ve gotten awfully quiet over there, Doctor,” Jack grinned, looking at where the Doctor was staring at the moment. “Has Miss Jones captured the Doctor’s lonely hearts?” Jack was now teasing him.

“I love her,” the Doctor said quietly, but Jack heard him and his eyebrow rose at his confession.

Martha tried to stifle a yawn without being very “lady-like,” or whatever her mother would say, but this wouldn’t be too long, and she could get out of this dress. She smiled when she saw both her parents standing next to each other and smiling happily. She wondered when she could one day be in her mother’s situation but considering her lifestyle, her work, and the fact that her day to day life wasn’t normal, that wasn’t going to happen. As her fingers brushed against the petals of her bouquet, she felt a little queasy.

Something bad was going to happen, she just knew it.

“You may kiss the bride,” was the last thing heard through out the crowd when a loud explosion sound came from outside.

”What was that?” Francine asked, and looked at her husband who was even more confused as she was. Both of them held each other’s hand as Jack and Mickey got up from their seats, the Doctor caught up with them and all three exited the building, and in front of them was a riot going on.

”Oh bloody hell,” Mickey said, peeking over the door, and the explosion was of course a car accident that occurred between two vehicles. It was a madhouse outside.

”I hate to be the breaker of bad news but it looks like they are heading in this direction.” The Doctor spoke very calmly and Jack and Mickey stared at him before closing the entrance doors of the church, trying to find something to barricade them. The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver to lock the doors securely.

”Come on, all of us have to get out of here,” Jack announced to the small crowd.

”What’s going on?” Martha asked, her hand was on her hip, and the in the other hand was her bouquet.

”A riot,” Jack explained, taking Gwen and Ianto out back, the others followed them, but Martha stayed behind, standing in the middle of an aisle, just listening to the crowd from the other side of the door. They sounded like they were needy. But what did they need?

Martha felt her heart swell slightly, as she heard chants and yells from outside. They were fighting for something…

”Martha!” Tish had returned, looking frantically for her sister. Martha started to move her feet forward to the doors and felt a jerk on her arm. Tish was staring at her, tugging her to follow. “We have to get out of here!”

”What?” Martha said, almost tripping over her dress, and struggled to keep up with her sister. “Where are we going?”

”I actually have no idea, but we are at the wrong place right now. I don’t know where everyone went…” Tish treaded off, looking around, and they were at a hallway that went into two separate directions. “Let’s just try to find a way to get out back.”

Meanwhile, Francine realized that their group had gotten smaller.

”Wait a minute. Where are Tish and Martha?” And right then, everyone just looked around, noticing that two of their party were no where to be found.

“Tish, we are going the wrong way.” Martha said, following her sister, but stopped when Tish leaned against the exit door.

”See? I told you we’d find a way out.” Tish smiled very proudly and Martha shook her head at her sister before following her outside. The night atmosphere was filled with what sounded to be glass breaking, shouting, and emergency alarms going off.

Both sisters were standing in the middle of an alleyway; dresses were beginning to get ruined by being outside in that kind of atmosphere.


“I checked the church, they aren’t in there,” the Doctor ran back to the group who were hiding in a separate alley.

”What do we do?” Leo spoke up and the Doctor just rubbed his face, ran his fingers through his hair, and let out a sigh.

”I don’t know, but we can’t stay here. What are you humans going on about here anyway?” He asked and no one spoke up because no one really knew what was going on in the world today, especially in the UK.

”Something about…” Francine started to say. “The Salvation or something like that, I think, but it started about four months ago, give or take?”

”Right around the time Martha saved my life…” The Doctor was starting to form little pieces of the puzzle together.

”But do you know what they are talking about?” Francine asked the Doctor, more worried about the safety of her two daughters than herself.

”Just that it’s an urban legend almost,” the Doctor stated. “But I don’t understand why it would happen now if it is true.” He started to pace back and forth, scratching his head, thinking.


Martha took note of what was going on around her, not listening to her sister silently freaking out. “We have to get out of this alley,” she said, and took her sister by her hand, dragging her along.

”Wait, why?”

”Something bad is going to happen near here, I just know, don’t ask me how but I just know!” Martha turned a corner and right there in front of them was the TARDIS. It was safely hidden and Martha hoped the Doctor didn’t lock the door. “We’ll hide in here.”

”In a police box?” Tish asked.

”It’s not a police box! Well on the outside it is, but I wonder if the Doctor…” Martha approached the TARDIS hesitantly and pushed the door open with ease and held the door open for her sister. “Are you coming in or not?”

Tish sighed and followed her sister inside before stopping at the ramp. “Oh my God…”

”I know, I know, it’s a lot bigger on the inside.” Martha took note and the lights of the TARDIS came on and it hummed softly at Martha’s presence. “Don’t be afraid, Tish, she won’t hurt you.”

”She? It’s a she?” Tish repeated, walking down the ramp, in awe of everything in the control room.

”Yes, this is the TARDIS. Well, the real name is Time and Relative Dimension in Space, but this is where I spent my time with the Doctor.” Martha said, sitting in the captain’s chair, feeling the warmth of the TARDIS around her. It seemed that Martha was more in tuned with the TARDIS as an entity, as a friend, but more than just a ship.


Francine stood next to her husband and no sign of Martha or Tish had turned up inside the church.

Suddenly, Mickey heard footsteps approach him from behind.

”Excuse me,” it was a female voice speaking. She had short, dirty blonde hair, and wore fingerless gloves. “Are you the Doctor?” She pointed directly at him and the Doctor’s eyebrows rose at the finger pointing towards him.

”…I am.” He said, approaching the woman.

”Oh, forgive me, I’m Professor Alison Docherty, and I think I can help you.” She gave a warm smile towards him.


Martha noticed the silence in the TARDIS was a bit eerie.

“Martha?” Tish asked, standing at the doorway. “I don’t think the door wants to open.”

Martha rushed over to where Tish was and noticed the door was locked, but how? “No, no, no, not again!” Martha exclaimed, trying to get the door open but nothing was happening. She was beginning to lose the feeling within her arms.

“Martha, what’s going on?!” Tish demanded, following her sister to the control panel. She heard her sister gasp at the screen before her. “What’s going on?” She repeated and shook her sister out of her state of shock.

”We’re going to the future…”


A/N: So…Martha and Tish (who gets to meet the TARDIS, finally) are going to the future. And what does Docherty has to offer to the Doctor? And for those who are not paying attention, re-watch "Last of the Time Lords" to figure out who Docherty is. *insert cliffhanger music*

jack harkness, the master, post series four, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, project salvation, martha jones, doctor who

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