Project Salvation (4/?)

Sep 13, 2008 15:03

Title: Project Salvation (4/?)
Author: buckshotwon
Rated: PG-PG13ish
Spoilers: Still post S4/Journey’s End
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Torchwood (Mickey Smith, Gwen Cooper, and Ianto Jones), The Master, Jones Family (Leo, Tish, Francine, and Clive), Sarah Jane Smith, mentions of Donna Noble, Lucy Saxon.
Pairings: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones/The Master, (minor) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, and Francine Jones/Clive Jones.
Disclaimer: I wish I did own Doctor Who but I don’t own them. BBC does.
Summary: Four months had passed. There were signs everywhere, and they all point to Martha Jones.

Previous Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3


“Hey, I think she’s waking up.”

The voice seemed a bit faded but it was definitely female, and it wasn’t Martha’s. Slowly, she opened her eyes to find blurry faces staring at her. She wasn’t on the floor anymore, no, it was too soft and comfortable to be that.

”You had quite a fall, miss.” She recognized Jack’s voice and blinked a few times to get her vision straight.

Martha felt an immediate pain in her head. “Oh, I feel like I ate so many pounds of coffee…” She treaded off, rubbing her head slowly. “What happened?”

Tish was the one who spoke up. “The Doctor found you on the floor in the kitchen. You just fainted.” She explained, giving her younger sister a comforting smile.

”Do you remember what happened?” Jack spoke again as the crowd around her began to disperse and go back to sitting down but keeping an ear and eye on her.

”Um, I was talking to the Doctor and then I just felt really dizzy, and that’s all I do remember.” Martha groaned into the pillow behind her. “How long was I out for?” She wondered and a certain someone answered her.

”Almost three hours and forty-five minutes,” The Doctor’s voice was a bit soothing to her and she gave a weak smile at hearing his voice. He loomed over Martha and she smelled that scent of bananas around him. It was even stronger. “Are you sure you feel fine?” He asked her and she nodded against the palm of his hand when he touched her forehead.

”Maybe we should cut the party and get some rest?” Francine was worried about her daughter but usually when she said she was fine, ninety-five percent of the time, Martha was right. “Martha, I don’t think you should go home alone.”

Martha swung her legs to sit up against the couch cushions and let out a soft groan. “No, mum, I’m not going to do that. But really, I’m okay.” She gave a weak smile towards everyone and picked herself up off the couch to grab her coat. Her head was still pounding, she felt a little tired, a little dizzy, but she had felt this familiar feeling before, and she didn’t like it. Maybe it was stepping out in the cool air that woke her up, but getting out of a tense atmosphere like that made Martha feel less…stressed. She didn’t notice the approaching footsteps behind her.

And then, she felt arms go around her waist and she was lifted off the ground. “Hey, what do you think you are doing?”

”Doing what your mother told me to do. Or in her words, don’t just stand there!” It was the Doctor, and he impressed Martha by his strength for someone who looked so thin and skinny.

”I said I’m fine,” Martha started to say.

”I won’t listen to you anymore. I know you Martha Jones, you are not fine.” The Doctor told her and he heard her give a defeated sigh against his shoulder and welcomed his arms around her. “I’m taking you to the TARDIS like I promised. “ He told her as he carried her back to the TARDIS.


Phillip Docherty looked out the window at the night sky.

It was almost too dark to be night. There were no stars and no moon.

All around him were scattered pieces of paper and napkins that were drawn on them. No pencil marks, but blue, red, and black ink sketches. They looked very similar to Toclafane, but perhaps, too much.

“How many of these did you draw? Goodness.” It was another figure in the room, a female, and there was a hint of a motherly sense in her voice. A slim female shaped hand reached down to pick up the various sheets of paper.


”What is it?” She asked her young son, though his attention was directed towards the night sky.

”I saw her,” Phillip replied, not looking in his mother’s direction. “I saw her, and she still looked the same.” For a ten year old, he was very smart, quick, and honest.

She had sighed against the sheets of papers she was holding. “Then it’s starting. I hope she’s ready.”

The woman’s name was Alison Docherty, and she was a struggling professor.


It felt like days were passing by when Martha finally awoke.

It wasn’t her bed back in her flat, but she was wearing the same clothes as the party that happened and ended because of her. Then she remembered where she was.

The familiar hum of the TARDIS welcomed Martha back and she did miss her a bit too much. She threw the covers off of her and climbed out of bed, automatically sensing that they were moving through the vortex.

Wait, how could she know that? Or feel that?

Her feet carried her to the control room and it was empty.

You know what must be done. It sounded female and it was in her head. Oh, the TARDIS was speaking to her.

”I can’t tell him. I can’t tell anyone,” Martha mumbled back to the TARDIS quietly as she approached the control panel.

“You’re getting worse, Martha, and I don’t like it.” The TARDIS replied and Martha wondered when the TARDIS got so sassy lately.

”Just…not now, please?” Martha pleaded and sighed against the control panel, and held her head in her hands, feeling overly tired, stressed, and the TARDIS had known what was going on with her once she stepped onto the platform to save the Doctor. She hadn’t been sleeping well, the TARDIS would get a sense of Martha’s nerves and fears manifesting themselves in her dreams, Martha was one of her favorites the Doctor had brought so far.

“Where’s the Doctor?” She asked the TARDIS and got a few hums that lead her to another corridor and found the Doctor tinkering with something, and heard the usual screams and yelps from him. His brown striped jacket was unbuttoned, his hair was very wild, and his sonic screwdriver was tucked in between his teeth and he grunted at the wires.

He didn’t seem to notice her presence behind him and she stifled a giggle when the TARDIS shocked him. “Oi! You clunky old…” He began muttering something that seemed to be in another language, probably Gallifreyian, Martha decided and he finally looked over his shoulder. “Martha!” He exclaimed, almost dropping the sonic screwdriver out between his teeth and stuck it in the breast pocket of his jacket. “Did this wake you?”

Martha shook her head at him. “No, I got a bit…restless, but thanks to the TARDIS, I found you.” Martha smirked at him and for a moment there, the Doctor spotted something darker behind Martha’s eyes. It didn’t sit right with him, but the quicker it came, the quicker it was gone. “And oh, by the way,” Martha paused as she turned on her heels to face him, looking over her shoulder. “She doesn’t like it when you mess around with her.”

The Doctor watched Martha retreat back down the corridor and stared at the TARDIS walls and shook his head at it. “You always make her take your side!”

Martha found her way to the kitchen, thankfully the TARDIS redirected her so it wouldn’t be far to reach. She found what seemed to be the last of the milk and poured herself a glass, well, half a glass.

The Doctor found Martha again and watched her.

”Doctor, I’m fine, believe me.” Martha sipped her milk, brushing her hair from her face as she looked over at him. She fell quiet, staring out into the empty space before her. “We’re in the vortex, yes?” Martha asked the Doctor who nodded in silence, watching her intensely. There was something different about Martha…

“I can feel it underneath my feet. It’s like an overwhelming feeling when you jump from the future to the past, but we’re in between yes? Right in the middle of red and blue swirls…” Martha blinked; opening her eyes and fell out of her trance.

”Martha, what’s going on with you?” The Doctor stood in front of her, and he hadn’t mentioned anything about the vortex to her, or at least not recently anyway.

“Doctor, I want to see the vortex…” Martha said quietly and the Doctor shook his head at her.

”No!” He exclaimed and Martha finally looked in his direction.

”I’m sorry, what were talking about?” Martha asked and stared at the Doctor whose eyebrow rose greatly. Martha sipped the last of her milk and pushed the empty glass aside.

“Martha Jones,” the Doctor started to say. He took Martha by the shoulders and turned her to him and Martha was a bit taken aback. “You were talking about the vortex.”

”Vortex? What are you talking about?” Martha asked and his fingers gripped into her shoulders and Martha began to get uncomfortable. The Doctor noticed what he was doing and let her go, before he wrapped his arms around her and held her. Martha, still a bit stunned, slowly hugged him back.

The Doctor sniffed in Martha’s usual scent of lavender, chocolate, and a hint of radiation from being in the vortex. But there was something else lingering in the background and he couldn’t pinpoint it.

Martha leaned up to the Doctor and kissed his cool lips and rested her head against his shoulder.

She felt perfectly fine now.


A/N: Another strictly Martha/Doctor chapter. I am so sorry it has taken so long to do this but I had serious writer’s block for days! So kids, what do we think is happening with our lovely Martha Jones? Ideas? Theories? There was a lack of the Master’s presence in this chapter but no worries, maybe he is in this chapter…

jack harkness, the master, post series four, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, project salvation, martha jones, doctor who

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