(no subject)

Dec 27, 2004 18:59

Ok so i am in Hawaii on my winter vacation, woo hoo... except for that the weather is pretty darn shitty. it has been non stop raining the whole time and we had hurrican rains the other night. it was insane but at the same time still warm.its raining but im in shorts. goo figure. anyone hear about the crazy sunami?? wooeee. im prayin for everyone over there.
my Niece is sooooooooo cute!!! i am in love. Hopefully the rain will clear up and we can get to the beach 2morrow. keep your fingers crossed. im kinda wanting to come home for new years. arnt you supossed to have the new years kiss with the one you love?? or just with someone?? well i want to be with my man. and of course miss sarah grasso.
ok well im missin ben. and i really wish i was at the beach,
and tike my nephew would say.. hey baby ocean( what a sweet talker)he also gives the best bear hugs :-)

♥Kimberly and ♥Benjamin
  • Doing their best to have two rockin' children.
  • Wish to share their hearts for the foreseeable future.
  • Are like two peas in a pod, but not genetically.

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