Dec 17, 2004 15:13
well the last 2 days have been totally cool! i spent almost the entire 2 days hanging out with my boy. which was a first in a long time. he normally never has days off and rarley nights.. so it was just awesome being able to be " with him." we went snowboarding all day wed, then back to his house and hung out with his family. then on thursday i was in so much pain from snowboarding that i stayed home from shcool and then went to his house. lol. his family is awesome. they are such sweet people. one thing that i really did miss when ben was in paramedic school was handing out with his family. for once in my life i feel like i have found the right guy and when im with him i cant picture finding anyone else that fits so perfectly with me. its a great feeling. ok besides all the greatness, i let out a new emotion to him that he had never seen before, i cryed! i cried right in front of him. it wouldnt of been that big of a deal but hes the one that made me cry. i have a self concious thing about my ears and he somehow he finds a way, once in a while, to make a jerky comment on them. so yesterday he made a jerky remark that just hit a button and he didnt even realize it, gezz, i didnt even realize, that it hurt so much, until i looked at him and i just stated bawling.i couldnt control just hurt me so bad. once in a while he just doesnt know when to quit it. It was almost good to let it out like that. we had a good talk after that and i felt closer and really good. go figger.
*** oh oh oh., guess who is going to hawaii for christmas!! i am totally stoked!
until next time...